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E3-413: update adsis8300 dep version

Wayne Lewis requested to merge E3-413-update-adsis8300-dep-version into master

Update dependency to latest version of adsis8300

Also needed to be explicit about the adcore version (3.10.0+0) as there is a new build of this (3.10.0+1), but adsis8300-1.9.3 still depends on 3.10.0+0. If we are not explicit here, then require ends up with a conflict between the two, as it tries to load 3.10.0+1 as the dependency for this module, then runs into the conflict when it loads the dependencies for adsis8300.

Ultimately we should create a new build of adsis8300 that uses the new version of adcore.

NOTE: we don't want to deploy this new version until we get the OK from the module owners. This MR is in preparation for a deployment, but we need the confirmation before actually deploying.

Merge request reports