E3-617: Added base_meta.yaml
This adds the generation of base_meta.yaml
to the e3-base build, similar to what is generated by require for other modules.
There is some additional small cleanup in the rules for e3-base, including improving the uninstall rules to use EPICS base's uninstall instead of just rm -rf
ing the install path like a chump.
This MR will generate on build the following typical medatada file:
wrapper_url: 'git@gitlab.esss.lu.se:e3/e3-base.git'
wrapper_git_desc: '7.0.5-5dd5594-17-gdee9e87'
wrapper_diffs: [ " M configure/CONFIG_BASE", ]
which contains the git url for e3-base, a description of the current state of the repository, and (essentially) an output of git status
Edited by Simon Rose