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E3-615: Replace `iocsh` shell script with python script

Rewrite iocsh, our wrapper for EPICS base's softIocPVA in Python (3.6), using only standard library modules.

I have modified features: partly to work better with python (and more standardised argument handling), and partly to remove less-used features. This can be modified based on feedback from users.

Comparison of iocsh -h


USAGE: iocsh [startup files]

Start the ESS iocsh and load startup scripts.


  -?, -h, --help   Show this page and exit.
  -v, --version    Show version and exit.
  -rt              Execute in realtime mode.
                   (Also -RT, -realtime, --realtime)
  -c 'cmd args'    Ioc shell command.
  -s 'prog m=v'    Sequencer program (and arguments), run with 'seq'.
                   This forces an 'iocInit' before running the program.
  -i               Do not add iocInit. This option does not override
                   a valid iocInit in the startup script.
                   (Also -noinit, --noinit)
  -r module[,ver]  Module (optionally with version) loaded via 'require'.
  -l 'cell path'   Run Ioc with a cell path.
  -dg [--dgarg='gdb-options']          Run with debugger gdb with user selected options or default option.
  -dv [--dvarg='valgrind-options']     Run with valgrind with user selected options or default option.
  -n               Run with 'nice --10' (requires sudo).
  @file            More arguments are read from file.

Supported filetypes:

 *.db, *.dbt, *.template  loaded via 'dbLoadRecords'
 *.subs, *.subst          loaded via 'dbLoadTemplate'
 *.dbd                    loaded via 'dbLoadDatabase'
 *.so                     loaded via 'dlload'

All other files are executed as startup scripts by the EPICS shell.
After a file you can specify substitutions like m1=v1 m2=v1 for that file.

  iocsh st.cmd
  iocsh my_database.template P=XY M=3
  iocsh -r my_module,version -c 'initModule()'
  iocsh -c 'var requireDebug 1' st.cmd
  iocsh -i st.cmd
  iocsh -dv --dvarg='--vgdb=full'
  iocsh -dv st.cmd


usage: IOC shell for e3 [-h] [-V] [-r MODULE] [-c COMMAND] [-d DATABASE]
                        [-l PATH] [-rt | -dg [ARGUMENT] | -dv [ARGUMENT]] [-i]

ESS EPICS environment (e3) wrapper for softIocPVA

positional arguments:
  file                  path to startup script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         print version and exit
  -r MODULE, --require MODULE
                        load module(s), optionally with version using the
                        syntax `module,version`
  -c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
                        execute command(s)
  -d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
                        load database file(s) (`dbLoadRecord`)
  -l PATH, --cell-path PATH
                        path(s) to cell(s)
  -rt, --realtime
  -dg [ARGUMENT], --gdb [ARGUMENT]
                        run with gdb
  -dv [ARGUMENT], --valgrind [ARGUMENT]
                        run with valgrind
  -i, --no-init

Comparison of startup


Warning: environment variable IOCNAME is not set.
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# Start at "2023-W39-Sep26-0928-48-CEST"
# European Spallation Source ERIC : iocsh (5.0.0-PID-10573)
##  Shell and environment variables
# PWD = "/home/anderslindh/repos/e3-require-bk"
# USER = "anderslindh"
# LOGNAME = "anderslindh"
# PATH = "/epics/base-7.0.7/require/5.0.0/bin:/epics/base-7.0.7/bin/linux-x86_64:/opt/conda/condabin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin:/home/anderslindh/.local/bin:/home/anderslindh/bin"
##  EPICS variables
# EPICS_BASE = "/epics/base-7.0.7"
# EPICS_HOST_ARCH = "linux-x86_64"
# EPICS_DRIVER_PATH = "/epics/base-7.0.7/require/5.0.0/siteMods"
##  e3-specific variables
# E3_REQUIRE_VERSION = "5.0.0"
# E3_REQUIRE_LOCATION = "/epics/base-7.0.7/require/5.0.0"
# E3_REQUIRE_BIN = "/epics/base-7.0.7/require/5.0.0/bin"
# E3_REQUIRE_DB = "/epics/base-7.0.7/require/5.0.0/db"
# E3_REQUIRE_DBD = "/epics/base-7.0.7/require/5.0.0/dbd"
# E3_REQUIRE_INC = "/epics/base-7.0.7/require/5.0.0/include"
# E3_REQUIRE_LIB = "/epics/base-7.0.7/require/5.0.0/lib"
##  IOC startup commands
# // Set REQUIRE_IOC for its internal PVs
epicsEnvSet REQUIRE_IOC "REQMOD:ics-alo-vm-10573"
# // Set E3_IOCSH_TOP for the absolute path where iocsh is executed.
epicsEnvSet E3_IOCSH_TOP "/home/anderslindh/repos/e3-require-bk"
# // Load require module, version 5.0.0
dlload /epics/base-7.0.7/require/5.0.0/lib/linux-x86_64/
dbLoadDatabase /epics/base-7.0.7/require/5.0.0/dbd/require.dbd
Loading module info records for require
# // Set the IOC Prompt String
epicsEnvSet IOCSH_PS1 "10573 > "
Starting iocInit
## EPICS R7.0.7-E3-7.0.7-patch
## Rev. 2023-01-30T16:37+0000
## Rev. Date build date/time:
iocRun: All initialization complete


       ,----.     ,--. ,-----.  ,-----.           ,--.            ,--.,--.
 ,---. '.-.  |    |  |'  .-.  ''  .--./     ,---. |  ,---.  ,---. |  ||  |
| .-. :  .' <     |  ||  | |  ||  |        (  .-' |  .-.  || .-. :|  ||  |
\   --./'-'  |    |  |'  '-'  ''  '--'\    .-'  `)|  | |  |\   --.|  ||  |
 `----'`----'     `--' `-----'  `-----'    `----' `--' `--' `----'`--'`--'

Starting e3 IOC shell version 5.0.0-rc15
WARNING: Environment variable IOCNAME is not set.
DEBUG: PID for iocsh 28515
DEBUG: Script path is /opt/epics/base-7.0.7post1/require/5.0.0-rc15/bin/iocsh
DEBUG: Executed from /home/anderslindh/repos/e3-require
DEBUG: Temporary startup script at /tmp/tmp34royaja
DEBUG: Running command `/opt/epics/base-7.0.7post1/bin/linux-x86_64/softIocPVA -D /opt/epics/base-7.0.7post1/dbd/softIocPVA.dbd /tmp/tmp34royaja`
epicsEnvSet REQUIRE_IOC "TEST:anderslindh-28515"
epicsEnvSet IOCSH_TOP "/home/anderslindh/repos/e3-require"
epicsEnvSet IOCSH_PS1 "ics-alo-vm-28515 > "
dlload /opt/epics/base-7.0.7post1/require/5.0.0-rc15/lib/linux-x86_64/
dbLoadDatabase /opt/epics/base-7.0.7post1/require/5.0.0-rc15/dbd/require.dbd
Loading module info records for require
Starting iocInit
## EPICS R7.0.7-E3-7.0.7post1-patch
## Rev. 2023-09-21T11:22+0200
## Rev. Date build date/time:
iocRun: All initialization complete

Comparison of IOC prompt


10573 >


ics-alo-vm-11037 >

Comparison of fallback prefix





See CHANGELOG for descriptions of functional changes.

Edited by Anders Lindh Olsson

Merge request reports