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ICSHWI-11399: Rename SIM PVs using aliases

Henrique Silva requested to merge alias_renaming into master

A few signals will have double aliases. This is something we'll live on for a while, since a few records had their property name changed, while others had both the prefix and properties changed. In order to accommodate for both cases without having to duplicate db files, double aliases were used here:

record(bi, "$(PREFIX)$(SGNL)-Ilck-RB") {

For example, the PV MBL-010RFC:RFS-Kly-110:Oil-Tmp-INT-RB only had the property renamed to MBL-010RFC:RFS-Kly-110:Oil-Tmp-Ilck-RB, but other related PVs for this signal (i.e. MBL-010RFC:RFS-Kly-110:Oil-Tmp-HIHI) remained the same.

On another case, the PV MBL-010RFC:RFS-SIM-110:#Spr-IW212-INT-RB was renamed to MBL-010RFC:RFS-SIM-110:#Spr-IW212-Ilck-RB, but all other related PVs also changed (i.e. MBL-010RFC:RFS-Spare-110:IW212-AOFF to MBL-010RFC:RFS-SIM-110:#Spr-IW212-AOFF)

Edited by Henrique Silva

Merge request reports
