Removing Pollstatus
Created by: rerpha
Description of work
Removing Pollstatus from KafkaW as it is a useless wrapper of an enum
This will simplify the task of switching from the C to the C++ API for rdkafka.
Closes #339 (closed)
Acceptance Criteria
Msg.h now contains a pollstatus enum and poll() methods return a unique pointer to the msg
class that wraps the data from kafka.
Unit Tests
No tests modified.
Code Review (To be filled in by the reviewer only)
Is the code of an acceptable quality? -
Do the changes function as described and is it robust?
Nominate for Group Code Review (Anyone can nominate it)
Indicate if you think the code should be reviewed in a Thursday code review session.
Recommend for group code review
Also, nominate it on the code_review Slack channel (does someone want to automate this?).