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Draft: Add da00 data array writer

Gregory Tucker requested to merge add-da00-DataArray-writer into main


A file-writer that could fulfill ECDC-3188

Description of work

Add a description of the work done. The aim is provide information to help the reviewer review the PR efficiently. See CONTRIBUTING.MD for more information on code standards etc.

  • The NeXusDataset::MultiDimDatsetBase object (and it's children) have been modified to accept an optional group name. By default they will still use the name "value". This change allows for re-use of the NeXusDataset machinery for data that should be added to the HDF5 group under different dataset names.
  • A file writer module for the proposed da00 flatbuffer schema has been added. It allows for flexible configuration to optionally allow avoiding duplication of information contained within the buffered object(s).

Outstanding issues

Automated testing of this PR will fail due to the missing da00 generated flatbuffer header. Once/if streaming-data-types is updated to include da00, then conanfile.txt should be updated to use the latest version which should allow automated tests to pass.


  • Changes have been documented in
  • Documentation has been updated in documentation directory

Merge request reports
