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Jira ICSHWI-5613 - It realises ICSHWI-4070

Douglas Bezerra Beniz requested to merge Jira_ICSHWI-5613 into master

Hey @joaopaulomartins, as we've discussed recently, a first version of the EPICS module to control R&S NRP-Z is ready for tests with all functions exposed;

After our discussion, I've added standard EPICS structure and compilation scripts (for those who want to try it without ESS e3 framework) thinking about sharing it with community (what will require a verification of R&S licenses for used libraries, in my TODO list to discuss with e3 team);

In this MR is present mainly the standard EPICS structure and compilation scripts, and documentation. But, I'd like you to review the core of this AsynPortDriver module:

  • rs_nrpzApp/src/rs_nrpz.h
  • rs_nrpzApp/src/rs_nrpz.cpp

As I said to you, it has one know issue, so to say, which I observed few times but I'd like to fix: each sensor in the hub has a individual EpicsThread handling the measurements process, but devices sometimes stuck when a request is send, does not answer anything either error and such thread remains blocked in that instruction; my idea is to add a command to operators be able to reset a channel when that occurs ("killing" the thread and re-creating, e.g.); at the moment, is necessary to restart the IOC to fix that (what I saw few times, but still);

Depending on your approval and merge into master, I'd recommend us to move the whole project to ttps:// (what I was not able to, because I'm a "Developer" in that group).

Thank you in advance, and let me know if you need extra clarifications.

Merge request reports
