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ICSHWI-18195: Restore gradient calibration enable PV

Mateusz Nabywaniec requested to merge ICSHWI-18195_restore_calgrad_en into master

With the gradient calibration enable PV being autosaved, there was a need to need to change automatic behaviour not to allow overwriting the autosaved value. The action done in EnDisGradCal was separated in ChkCloseLoop and DisGradCal.
When condition for disabling appears, the gradient enable PV is blocked (DISP=1) first in ChkCloseLoop, and later in PV DisGradCal the formula is checked.

If the ChkCloseLoop PV changed its value to 0 (the transition to zero option is used in calcout record), then gradient calibration is disabled.
Using that method, the autosaved value of gradient calibration is not overwritten.

Closes ICSHWI-18195

Edited by Mateusz Nabywaniec

Merge request reports
