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Yngve Inntjore Levinsen's avatar
Yngve Levinsen authored
if it works should move task to state "Done"
Resolves BPWP-409

ESS Beam Physics Python Tools

This project provides useful Python tools for executing TraceWin, and reading/writing TraceWin data files.

The files are written primarily for usage at European Spallation Source, but might be useful elsewhere.

You are free to use this code, but no warranty whatsoever is given.


To install the package, run the command below. It is assumed that you have git and pip installed on your system.

pip install git+ -U --user


Here we will briefly explain how to use the library.


Some example use cases...

from ess import lib_tw

file_name_lat    ='lattice2.dat'
file_name_fmap   =['Field_Maps/1D/'+f for f in ['Spoke_W_coupler.edz','MB_W_coupler.edz','HB_W_coupler.edz']]
file_name_st     ='Steerer_Values.txt'
file_name_adj    ='Adjusted_Values.txt'

# Updates based on Steerer_Values:
# Updates based on Adjusted_Values:


#-- If we want to reset all steerers to 0 ...
#for i in range(len(lat.lst)):
#    if lat.lst[i].typ=='THIN_STEERING': lat.lst[i].BLx=0.0; lat.lst[i].BLy=0.0
#    if lat.lst[i].typ=='STEERER'      : lat.lst[i].Bx =0.0; lat.lst[i].By =0.0

lib_tw includes a function to convert loss/elem to loss/elem-length. Examples:

# Note:
# - For a density file, be careful with the number of runs.
# - The instances for losses are "loss_pow", "loss_num", "loss_pow_ave", and etc for DENSITY class.
# - For PARTRAN class, loss_elem2den function is already implemented as a method. 
# - If file_name_dt isn't given, the half-cell lengths are used instead of drift-tube lnegths.
# - dlt_dt is a small number used to identify DTL_CEL elements. (Play with this number is there is an error message.)
# - An example to make a bar plot with an output file of this script can be found in

from ess import lib_tw

file_name_den ='density_file_name'

file_name_dt  ='len.dt_dtl.v85.txt'  # File with (half cell length) vs (drift tube length) for DTL cells

#-- An example for a density file

s_from_den   =den.s
loss_from_den=den.loss_pow         # For a file w/ single run
#loss_from_den=den.loss_pow[Nrun]  # For a file w/ multi runs (e.g., file from an error study)


# Note len(s_from_den) = len(loss_den_from_den) when writing to a file.

#-- An example for a partran out file



# Note len(ptrn.s) = len(loss_den_from_ptrn) when writing to a file.


To be done..

Error study script

First you need to use the GUI to create an error study folder in your output directory (see functionality Copy set of data). You may copy as many jobs as you want to run directly in the GUI, but it is very slow and we recommend to rather define the number of runs in the submit command provided here. This submit command use hard links when possible to also save space.

You then send the jobs to the queue manager using the command tracewin_errorstudy. The help function of this script already says most of what you need to know:

usage: tracewin_errorstudy [-h] [-s SEED] [-c CALC_DIR] [-n NUM_JOBS]
                           [-t STUDY] [-m MULTI] [-l LATTICE] [-q SETTINGS]
                           [-p PRIORITY]

Simple setup script to run TraceWin on HT Condor.. Default values in square

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -s SEED      Define seed [None]
  -c CALC_DIR  Path to calculation folder [temp/]
  -n NUM_JOBS  Number of jobs [Count number of copied runs in TW]
  -t STUDY     Statistical study number [1]
  -m MULTI     Multi-dynamic study [1]
  -l LATTICE   The lattice file for the project [lattice.dat]
  -q SETTINGS  The settings for the project template (yaml) [settings.yml]
  -p PRIORITY  Job priority

A few things are worth mentioning:

  • We provide the option of having the lattice file as a template, with settings specified in a YAML file. It is then assumed that the template has the ending .tmp (so if the default lattice.dat, the template file lattice.dat.tmp is expected to exist). Variables are then replaced as per str.format.
  • The default Condor script templates should suffice for most. However we do provide an option to define template files, again to be replaced according to Python's str.format. If any of the files exist in the working directory they will be used in favour of the built-in templates.
    • For standard jobs, the templates are head.tmp and queue.tmp
    • For multi-jobs, the templates are head.multi.tmp and queue.multi.tmp
  • We provide the option to run multi-dynamic study which is perhaps a bit confusing. In this mode, it is assumed that you have already run a number of simulations before. For each new job, we change the seed but read the same error table for dynamical errors. This allows us to understand better if we are limited by static or dynamic tolerances.

Example 1

Standard simulation of 100 machines in the folder calc

tracewin_errorstudy -n 100 -c calc

Example 2

Simulating 50 machines, then run 20 machines with different static errors but same dynamic errors for each of those (1000 machines total)

tracewin_errorstudy -n 50 -c calc
# wait until simulations have finished (check condor_q, condor_status, condor_history)
tracewin_errorstudy -n 50 -m 40 -c calc