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Andrei Shishlo's avatar
Andrei Shishlo committed

## 0. Required software
Current version doesn't support MPI or FFT based space charge calculation.
One needs compilers and python development packages, depending on  Linux flavor the package can be called **python-dev** or **python-devel**.
Andrei Shishlo's avatar
Andrei Shishlo committed

This guide was tested on following configurations
Andrei Shishlo's avatar
Andrei Shishlo committed

| CPU           | Architecture | OS           | Python  | Compiler     |
| Intel i7-7700 | x86_64       | RHEL 8.7     | 3.9.13  | gcc-8.5      |
|               | x86_64       | Arch         | 3.10.10 | gcc-12.2.1   |
| Apple M2      | arm64        | macOS 13.3.1 | 3.9.6   | clang-14.0.3 |
## 1. Installation
Andrei Shishlo's avatar
Andrei Shishlo committed

If you already have configured the ESS index url (e.g. Jupyter), you can omit the index url in the command below.
pip install --index-url pyorbit
Andrei Shishlo's avatar
Andrei Shishlo committed

## 3. Run simple test to make sure that import works
from orbit.core import orbit_mpi, bunch, teapot_base, linac, spacecharge, orbit_utils, aperture
The above should give no errors. It's important to `import orbit` first.

## 4. Run SNS linac example
The python part of PyOrbit should be in PYTHONPATH
cd ../pyorbit_linac_model