ESS Reference & Lookup Tables
Project Directory Structure
It loads during the initialization and contains ESS constant variables and enumerations for:
databuffer-ess proton beam modes, destination and state according to ESS-0038258 (Description of Modes for ESS Accelerator Operation)
mevts-ess - master events according to: ESS-1837307 (Time Structure of the Proton Beam Pulses in the LINAC).
See Beam Configuration for additional details.
It loads upon the selection by an ESS operator (see the manual). The dynamic routines/cycles (runtime).
Productivity enhancements.
Other documents, manuals, references and drafts.
Tag Versioning
- MAJOR (1st digit) == {Backward compatibility mark}
- MINOR (2sd digit) == {ESS-0038258 Chess Revision, ProtNum}
- PATH (3rd digit) == {ESS-1837307 Chess Revision, ProtVer}
- BUILD (4th digit) == {supercycle adds, bug corrections}
e.g. 1.5.1+1 means:
- all with 1 is compatible,
- ProtNum == 5, ESS-0038258 revision == 5,
- ProtVer == 1, ESS-1837307 revistion == 1,
- +1 - some files were introduced, e.g. supercycle tables.