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CE-2115: Merge in ics-ans-role-ioc-exporter back into ics-ans-role-ioc

Simon Rose requested to merge ccce/ans/ics-ans-role-ioc:merge_exporter into master

This merges ics-ans-role-ioc-exporter back into ics-ans-role-ioc.

Note that this does its best to preserver the commit history of that role, at least as deemed relevant. In particular, we keep the history of the exporter, the molecule tests, as well as the exporter template, hence the 121 commits being merged in.

Essentially, the review can be safely restricted to 047e195e onwards.

This permits us to perform some necessary improvements, notably storing the IOC deployment metadata in a better location as the exporter is used to actually parse that data.

Edited by Simon Rose

Merge request reports