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## Python-nessus
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pynessus is a **command line utility** written in *python*, which provides the user facility to *automate vulnerability scanning using Nessus REST API*.

Depending on the flag issued, it can *list all policies*, *create and launch the scan*, *configure the user-defined policy prior to launching the scan* and *export the report in all available formats* except for pdf. The command line utility has the *power* to do all this just by entering a single command.

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## Pre-Requisites
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Nessus 6 or above
pip for python3.x
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## Installation
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Ideally, you should be able to just type:
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git clone
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cd pynessus
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pip3 install . # doing this in a virtual environment is better
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## Preparations
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*pynessus* requires a username, password and Nessus (Manager, Scanner, IO) https address.
These should be set  as environment variables as shown below.
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Set the following environment variables as follows:
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## How to use
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To list all policies :

>`pynessus --list-policies`

To create and launch a scan

>`pynessus -t target_ip -p "policy_name"`

To create and launch a scan taking targets from a text file

>`pynessus -T target_file -p "policy_name"`

To launch the scan with a customized name and export the report in csv format

>`pynessus -T target_file -p "policy_name" -n scan_name -e csv`

To delete the scan after exporting the report

>`pynessus -T target_file -p "policy_name" -e html --delete`

To configure the User-defined policy prior to launching the scan

>`pynessus -t target_ip -p "policy_name" --configure -e nessus`
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## Export Report formats
| csv    | A comma-separated values (CSV)                                  |
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| db     | A proprietary encrypted database format                         |
| html   | A report generated using standard HTML output                   |
| nessus | A .nessus file in XML format that contains the list of targets  |
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## How to uninstall
pip3 uninstall pynessus

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## Original Project
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Admiral Gaust