- [Naming](https://confluence.esss.lu.se/display/SW/Naming+Tool%2C+Cable+DB%2C+CCDB%2C+IOC+Factory%2C+RBAC) in ICS Software toolchain \n\
- [Introduction to Naming REST API](/pdfs/naming_rest_api_brief_introduction.pdf) + [Cheat Sheet](/pdfs/naming_rest_api_cheat_sheet.pdf) \n\
- Excel templates for [names](/templates/NameElementCommand.xlsx) + [structures](/templates/StructureElementCommand.xlsx) \n\n\
Note \n\
- Observe which fields to use for operations client to server. \n\
- Obsolete values are not shown unless history is requested. \n\
- Regular expressions are not supported for searches. Regex-like behavior is available with _ underscore, 0 or 1 occurrences of any character, % percent, any number of any character.
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