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Forked from ics-software / ess-opis
318 commits behind the upstream repository.

ESS CS-Studio OPIs

Important Note

This repository will be deprecated soon (within 2-6 weeks) in favour of a more sensible workflow. See for status updates on this project.

Current Status

This folder contains the validated and approved Graphical Interfaces to EPICS IOCs (OPIs) to be used at ESS to control the facility.


Here the structure of this folder:

│   ├── DEVICES
│   ├── accelerator
│   ├── central-services
│   ├── COMMON
│   ├── machine-protection-system
│   ├── neutron-instruments
│   ├── personnel-safety-systems
│   └── target-station
│   ├── accelerator
│   ├── central-services
│   ├── COMMON
│   ├── machine-protection-system
│   ├── neutron-instruments
│   ├── personnel-safety-systems
│   └── target-station

The NON-APPROVED directory is used for OPI files that don't meet the standard yet, but that need to be deployed for testing purpose.

Each COMMON folder should be used to contain OPIs common to that level. The folder has the following structure:

│   ├── beam-magnets-and-deflector
│   ├── control-system
│   ├── conventional-power
│   ├── cryogenics
│   ├── electromagnetic-resonator
│   ├── general-mechanics
│   ├── heating-cooling-and-air-conditioning
│   ├── intercepting-devices
│   ├── ion-source-specialties
│   ├── machine-protection-systems
│   ├── motion-control
│   ├── network-equipment
│   ├── neutron-chopper
│   ├── odh-detection-systems
│   ├── personnel-safety-systems
│   ├── power-convertors
│   ├── proton-beam-instrumentation
│   ├── rf-systems
│   ├── sample-environment-equipment
│   ├── sample-environment-systems
│   ├── timing-system
│   ├── vacuum
│   └── water-cooling

Here the structure for the remaining folders in control-room and engineering:

├── accelerator-to-target
├── drift-tube-linac
├── dumpline
├── front-end-building
├── high-beta-linac
├── high-energy-beam-transport
├── ion-source
├── low-energy-beam-transport
├── medium-beta-linac
├── medium-energy-beam-transport
├── radio-frequency-quadrupole
├── spoke-linac
├── stubs
├── test-stand-2
└── test-stand-3

├── argon-gas-system
├── conventional-ventilation-system
├── conventional-waste-water-system
├── cooling-water-high-system
├── cooling-water-low-system
├── cooling-water-medium-system
├── cooling-water-system
├── cryo-systems
├── di-ionised-water-system
├── district-heating-low-system
├── electrical-power-system
├── heating-water-system
├── instrument-air-system
├── lab-gases-system
├── network-system
├── nitrogen-gas-system
├── non-potable-water-system
├── potable-water-system
├── process-ventilation-system
├── radiological-ventilation-system
├── radiological-waste-water-system
├── risk-waste-water-system
├── site-infrastructure
├── sprinkler-system
├── standpipe-system
├── storm-water-system
├── timing-system
└── vacuum-system

├── common-machine-protection-functions
├── fast-beam-interlock-systems
└── local-protection-system

├── instrument-1
└── nmx

├── coldbox-building
├── ctl-gallery
├── helium-compressor-building
├── klystron-gallery
└── pss-accelerator

├── active-cells
├── active-fluids
├── active-handling
├── active-workshops
├── handling-mock-up
├── intermediate-cooling-systems
├── mobile-active-vacuum
├── moderator-reflector
├── monolith
├── proton-beam-window
├── radioactive-gaseous-effluent-confinement
├── shielding
├── target-safety-system
├── target-systems
├── ts-storage
└── tune-up-dump

File and Folder Names

  • File and folder names should be in accordance with the naming conventions as much as possible.
  • Folders named according to the naming conventions must have names in lowercase.
  • Folders used to structure the repository must have names in UPPERCASE.
  • All other folder names must be in CamelCase, without white spaces.
  • No white spaces are allowed in file names: use '-' instead, or CamelCase.

Contributing the Repository

The repository can be cloned by everyone interested in. Changes can be performed only through Pull Requests.

Currently only Thomas Fay ( and Bejamin Bertrand (for safety, as Infrastructure Group member, are allowed to approve the pull requests, and merge them into the repository.

As soon as someone else will be appointed to be in charge of this repository, this readme file will be updated accordingly.


The ess-opis repository is cloned and mounted in CS-Studio by the Ansible role used to deploy CS-Studio. Every time a push is done on the master branch, it triggers an Ansible job via AWX API to update the git repository on the LCR workstations. Refer to the .gitlab-ci.yml file for the implementation.