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ICSHWI-19428: Remove phoebus scripts to generate the main.bob files

Douglas Araujo requested to merge ICSHWI-19428-remove-csstudio-scripts into main

After updating Phoebus to version 5.0.010 or later, the import used to generate action displays is no longer working.

from import ActionInfos, OpenDisplayActionInfo

File "scripts/", line 12, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name OpenDisplayActionInfo

As a result, we decided to stop using the script to generate the main.bob files. Now, the Ansible playbook is responsible for generating the GUI with the correct details, such as area, name, and macros, based on the inventory file.

Unfortunately, we still have some GUIs (like motor and chopper displays) that rely on their own Phoebus scripts. For that reason, we still need to generate the devices.xml file (commit b8601214). Once we remove the scripts from these OPIs, we can revert this last commit.

Closes ICSHWI-19428

Merge request reports
