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Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
Benjamin Bertrand committed
# ics-ans-post-install

Ansible playbook to run post installation tasks to configure a machine.

- configure the repository to point to artifactory
- install node-exporter for monitoring
Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
Benjamin Bertrand committed
- configure ntp
- add sssd on lab machines to allow the owner to access it
Alessio Curri's avatar
Alessio Curri committed
- drop facts about the current run of this playbook
Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
Benjamin Bertrand committed

Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
Benjamin Bertrand committed
Note that ntp is not configured on servers with the **** domain
as they are managed by IT and already configured
(except machines on nat2-esss-lu-se network that we own).

Alessio Curri's avatar
Alessio Curri committed
The playbook will create inside the ansible fact.d directory a custom fact to register what domain was used when this playbook was run the last time.
The following custom fact are available:
- device_type
- ioc
- domain

Example on how to use the facts:
- name: Do something if the machine was moved from one domain to another
    msg: "I'm not in the right domain."
  when: ansible_local.postinstall.domain != ansible_domain

Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
Benjamin Bertrand committed
## Requirements

- ansible >= 2.7
- molecule >= 2.19

## License

BSD 2-clause