This repository is used to store mainly scalar PVs and also have imports from archiver-linac-prod.
Rule of thumb is PVs with more than 2046 elements should be in the
[wf config]( and not this repository.
## Introduction
For each IOC, the list of PVs to archive should be saved in a file named `<ioc name>.archive`.
The file should be put under the files directory
Here is the list of current archiver appliances for wave form cluster:
- **** for Scalar form Prod
- **** for Scalar form Prod
- **** for Scalar form Prod
- **** for Scalar form Prod
- **** for Scalar form Prod
- **** for Scalar form Prod
- **** for Scalar form Prod
- **** for Scalar form Prod
**ALL WaveForm have to be archived at 1Hz** (see Archive File Format below).

Benjamin Bolling
**PV Rename and Delete not supported** - see the [Archiver FAQ]( for more information.
The files shall be in CSV format (space separated) and include one PV name per line.
A file can also include the name of the policy to force (optional).
Empty lines and lines starting with "#" (comments) are allowed.
# PV name Policy
ISrc-010:PwrC-CoilPS-01:CurR 1Hz
# Comments are allowed
The string after the PV name should be an existing policy to force.
In the above example, the policy "1Hz" would be applied to the PV "ISrc-010:PwrC-CoilPS-01:CurR".
The default policy would be applied to other PVs.
When pushing to master, the PVs are automatically added to the archiver.
The `` script looks at files that changed since last commit.
All the PVs from those files are sent to the proper appliance for archiving.

Benjamin Bolling
- If configuration files have PV namechanges or deletions, the merge request shall have the name of the [INFRA-ticket-number] for the PVs changing names and being deleted.
- If there are merge conflicts, the developer requesting the merge request shall resolve the conflicts on their end (preferably by re-basing to master followed by re-applying the changes from the merge request).

Benjamin Bolling
- Ensure PVs added are online (see [accop-pytools-archiver-mr-check]( for example script).