- Feb 28, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Feb 26, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Fix error: User instance is not bound to a Session; attribute refresh operation cannot proceed
- Feb 23, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Feb 21, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Feb 20, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
If we scroll to the submit button, we can't see the "Submit" QRCode
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Benjamin Bertrand authored
The QRCode content doesn't matter. It's only there to trigger a CR to submit the form. Scanning a serial number will focus on the submit button so that scanning the QRCode doesn't enter text in any form input field.
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Feb 16, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Feb 15, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Changing the gitlab-ci file shouldn't modify the docker image
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Benjamin Bertrand authored
tower-cli easily allows to: - pass extra variables to the job - wait for the job to complete Deploy to staging on tags as well.
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Remove QRcodes page - Add Status to attributes page (only allow admin to add new statuses) Actions QR Codes not visible anymore. Required ones shall be put on the page where they are used.
- Feb 14, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Add a last modified query parameter to static resource. This will force the browser to re-load resources (css, js...) after a new deploy.
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Feb 13, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Packages required only to generate the documentation. They shouldn't really be in the final docker image but they are not very big and it makes it much easier to generate the doc.
- Feb 12, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
This reverts commit 4ddde36f. This broke the loading of fonts. Fonts directory should be excluded.
Benjamin Bertrand authored
The browser caches the static files (js, css...). Flask-CacheBust adds a hash to the URL of each static file to force clients to redownload the files when changed.
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Note that the Ansible role shall use the ":master" tag for the image
Benjamin Bertrand authored
The network range defines the IP to be allocated. This is to reserve some specific addresses (for gateway for example). An admin user should be able to define an interface outside the network range. The IP address select field was replaced with a string field (initialized to the first available IP). Fixes INFRA-200
- Feb 09, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Fixes INFRA-197
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Benjamin Bertrand authored
The interface name shall start with the hostname of the host it is associated to. Note that this is only enforced via the UI (from which most users will interact), not from the API. Fixes INFRA-195
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- add domain_id on NetworkScope table to define a default domain - add domain_id on Network (default to the Network Scope one) Fixes INFRA-194
Benjamin Bertrand authored
We don't want to submit the form when scanning a code bar or ICS id. In keyboard mode, the scanner sends a CR as last character.
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Feb 08, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Use gitlab-ci services instead of docker-compose to run postgres and redis - Switch to docker socket
Benjamin Bertrand authored
- Feb 06, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Allow to use a scanner configured as keyboard to register items via the web UI. 1. The attributes should be selected manually 2. Focus set manually on ICS id 3. Scan an ICS id -> prefix removed and focus set to serial number 4. Scan serial number 5. Click on submit 6. Focus set automatically on ICS id 7. Repeat from 3
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Benjamin Bertrand authored
Every tagged release is automatically deployed to staging by launching the job template from Ansible AWX
- Feb 02, 2018
Benjamin Bertrand authored