"ProtNum": 6,
"None": {
"id": 0,
"description": "Not Configured"
"Off": {
"id": 10,
"description": "No proton beam extraction."
"On": {
"id": 20,
"description": "Proton beam (IS on) extraction."
"Fault": {
"id": 30,
"description": "Fault detected, no proton beam."
"Recovery": {
"id": 40,
"description": "Recovering from a fault, proton beam for tune up. Possible neutron production, but not intended for users."
"NoBeam": {
"id": 1,
"description": "No Beam"
Jerzy Jamroz
"id": 10,
"description": "Plasma production, magnetron allowed but no extraction HV."
Jerzy Jamroz
"id": 20,
"description": "First beam through a particular section; non-damaging even in the case of total beam loss (even repeated); used to verify that machine configuration is not grossly incorrect."
Jerzy Jamroz
"id": 30,
"description": "Limited beam loading; used for fast scans to rapidly determine/verify RF setpoints."
Jerzy Jamroz
"id": 40,
"description": "To perform an initial RF test with a longer pulse."
"StabilityTest": {
"id": 50,
"description": "To be used mostly for beam stability test."
Jerzy Jamroz
"id": 60,
"description": "Very short pulse planned to be used used during Normal Conducting Linac commissioning. It would allow installation of the rest of the Linac in parallel to Beam Commissioning."
Jerzy Jamroz
"id": 70,
"description": "Limited beam loading; used for fast scans to rapidly determine/verify RF setpoints and measure beam profiles with wire scanners."
Jerzy Jamroz
"id": 80,
"description": "Largest charge per pulse that allow operation of invasive proton beam instrumentation devices like wire scanners; long enough beam pulses to diagnose and monitor RF feedback and the onset of beam loading; used to perform more precise single-pulse measurements."
"id": 254,
"description": "UNDEFINED shall be sent by a system to FBIS when it doesn’t read a value from the Timing.",
"purpose" : "FBIS"
"ERROR": {
"id": 255,
"description": "ERROR shall be used internally of the FBIS when there is an error on the decoding (wrong value, failure of CRC check, etc.)",
"purpose" : "FBIS"
Jerzy Jamroz
"id": 10,
"type": "Virtual destination for plasma conditioning",
"limits": "Only for conditioning mode/0/0/0"
Jerzy Jamroz
"id": 20,
"type": "Faraday Cup",
"limits": "Full beam"
Jerzy Jamroz
"id": 30,
"type": "Faraday Cup",
"limits": "(1Hz, 50us)/(14Hz, 5us), 62.5 mA"
Jerzy Jamroz
"id": 40,
"type": "Faraday Cup",
"limits": "(1Hz, 50us)/(14Hz, 5us), 62.5 mA"
Jerzy Jamroz
"id": 50,
"type": "Faraday Cup",
"limits": "(1 Hz, 50us)/(14 Hz, 5us), 62.5 mA"
"id": 254,
"description": "UNDEFINED shall be sent by a system to FBIS when it doesn’t read a value from the Timing.",
"purpose" : "FBIS"
"ERROR": {
"id": 255,
"description": "ERROR shall be used internally of the FBIS when there is an error on the decoding (wrong value, failure of CRC check, etc.)",
"purpose" : "FBIS"