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Add storybook and tests ICSHWI-9199

John Sparger requested to merge add-storybook-and-tests-ICSHWI-9199 into develop

This merge requests adds Storybook ( to our application.

Storybook provides a way for us to visually document our components and the various states they can be in. This is very helpful when discussing visual changes. It also provides a method for us to set up components for testing.

In this merge request:

  • Dependencies and configuration are added for storybook
  • Storybook stories are added for the table components in our application
  • Cypress component tests are added which make use of the table component stories
  • Gitlab-CI is updated to build the storybook static web page and store it as an artifact

To check out the storybook, you can download and extract the artifact from the "build-storybook" job in the pipeline and open index.html. You should see something like this:


Edited by John Sparger

Merge request reports