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Commit 02dfce1a authored by Simon Rose's avatar Simon Rose
Browse files

Merge branch 'e3_430' into 'master'

E3-430: Clean up some old code from require

See merge request e3/e3-require!41
parents c4763694 9f9ca472
No related branches found
No related tags found
1 merge request!41E3-430: Clean up some old code from require
Pipeline #85089 passed
......@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
### New Features
* Autocompletion for `iocsh.bash` has been added
* Removed `iocsh_gdb.bash` and `iocsh_nice.bash`, both of whose functionality can be called via `iocsh.bash -dg` and `iocsh.bash -n`, respectively.
* Patch file location has been change from `patch/Site/$VERSION-description.p0.patch` to `patch/Site/$VERSION/description.p0.patch`
* Require will automatically build `.template` and `.substitutions` files into the common build directory instead of into the source Db path
* Rudimentary testing has been added:
* * Tests that the correct version is loaded
* * Tests that elementary patching/building works as expected
......@@ -15,6 +18,11 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
### Bugfixes
* `iocsh.bash --help` (and variants) no longer loads tries to load ``.
* `make uninstall` no longer tries to remove from global `siteLibs` directory.
* `make build` will fail if any of the target architectures fail, not just the last one.
* Fixed issue where git passwords would be displayed in plaintext in metadata file
* Fixed issue where `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` could keep old `siteLibs` path around
* Removed duplicated entries from generated `.dep` files
### Other changes
No preview for this file type
package require Tclx
set debug 0
set global_context [scancontext create]
set file_context [scancontext create]
set skip_context [scancontext create]
scanmatch $global_context {there is no version here} {
scanmatch $global_context {cvs status: failed} {
puts stderr "Error: $matchInfo(line)"
scanmatch $global_context {no such directory `(.*)'} {
puts stderr "checking directory $matchInfo(submatch0): so such directory"
scanmatch $global_context {cvs [status aborted]: there is no version here} {
scanmatch $global_context {^File: .*Up-to-date} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts -nonewline stderr "checking $file: "
catch {unset major minor patch}
scanfile $file_context $matchInfo(handle)
if {![info exists major]} {
puts stderr "revision $rev($file) not tagged => version test"
set version test
puts stderr "revision $rev($file) tag $tag($file) => version $major.$minor.$patch"
if {![info exists version]} {
set version $major.$minor.$patch
} else {
if ![cequal $major.$minor.$patch $version] {
set version test
scanmatch $global_context {^File: .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "checking $file: [lrange $matchInfo(line) 3 end] => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $global_context {^\? .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "checking $file: not in cvs => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $file_context {Working revision:} {
set rev($file) [lindex $matchInfo(line) 2]
scanmatch $file_context {Sticky Tag:.*_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)[ \t]+\(revision: } {
set major $matchInfo(submatch0)
set minor $matchInfo(submatch1)
set patch $matchInfo(submatch2)
set tag($file) "[lindex $matchInfo(line) 2] (sticky)"
scanfile $skip_context $matchInfo(handle)
scanmatch $file_context {Sticky Tag:.*_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)[ \t]+\(revision: } {
set major $matchInfo(submatch0)
set minor $matchInfo(submatch1)
set patch 0
set tag($file) "[lindex $matchInfo(line) 2] (sticky)"
scanfile $skip_context $matchInfo(handle)
scanmatch $file_context {_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)(_([0-9]+))?[ \t]+\(revision: ([\.0-9]+)\)} {
if [cequal $rev($file) $matchInfo(submatch4)] {
set Major $matchInfo(submatch0)
set Minor $matchInfo(submatch1)
set Patch [expr $matchInfo(submatch3) + 0]
if {![info exists major] ||
$Major>$major ||
($Major==$major && ($Minor>$minor
|| ($Minor==$minor && $Patch>$patch)))} {
set major $Major
set minor $Minor
set patch $Patch
set tag($file) [lindex $matchInfo(line) 0]
scanmatch $skip_context {=================} {
scanmatch $file_context {=================} {
set git_context [scancontext create]
scanmatch $git_context {fatal: Not a git repository} {
scanmatch $git_context {^\?\? .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: not in git => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^ M .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: locally modified => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^D .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: deleted (or renamed) but not committed => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^ D .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: locally deleted => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^A .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: locally added => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^AM .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: locally added and modified => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^([ MADRCU][ MADRCU]) .*} {
set file [lindex $matchInfo(line) 1]
puts stderr "$file: $matchInfo(submatch0) (whatever that means) => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {fatal: No names found} {
puts stderr "no tag on this version => version test"
set version test
scanmatch $git_context {^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(\.([0-9]+))?$} {
set major $matchInfo(submatch0)
set minor $matchInfo(submatch1)
set patch [expr $matchInfo(submatch3) + 0]
set version $major.$minor.$patch
puts stderr "checking tag $matchInfo(line) => version $version"
scanmatch $git_context {[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)(_([0-9]+))?$} {
set major $matchInfo(submatch0)
set minor $matchInfo(submatch1)
set patch [expr $matchInfo(submatch3) + 0]
set version $major.$minor.$patch
puts stderr "checking tag $matchInfo(line) => version $version"
scanmatch $git_context {(.*[0-9]+[_.][0-9]+([_.][0-9]+)?)-([0-9]+)-g} {
set version test
puts stderr "tag $matchInfo(submatch0) is $matchInfo(submatch2) commits old => version test"
scanmatch $git_context {Your branch is ahead of '(.*)/(.*)'} {
puts stderr "branch \"$matchInfo(submatch1)\" not yet pushed to remote \"$matchInfo(submatch0)\" => version test"
puts stderr "try: git push --tags $matchInfo(submatch0) $matchInfo(submatch1)"
set version test
if {[lindex $argv 0] == "-d"} {
set debug 1
set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
# Check all files in top directory and all files specified explicitly in subdirectories
set topfiles [glob -nocomplain GNUmakefile makefile Makefile *.c *.cc *.cpp *.h *.dbd *.st *.stt *.gt]
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "checking $topfiles $argv"
if {[catch {
# fails if we have no git:
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "git status --porcelain $topfiles $argv"
set statusinfo [open "|git status --porcelain $topfiles $argv 2>@ stdout"]
scanfile $git_context $statusinfo
# fails if this is no git repo
close $statusinfo
if [info exists version] {
puts $version
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "git describe --tags HEAD"
set statusinfo [open "|git describe --tags HEAD 2>@ stdout"]
scanfile $git_context $statusinfo
catch {close $statusinfo}
if ![info exists version] {
puts stderr "Could not find out version tag => version test"
set version test
if {$version != "test"} {
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "git status"
set statusinfo [open "|git status 2>@ stdout"]
scanfile $git_context $statusinfo
catch {close $statusinfo}
puts $version
}] && $debug} { puts stderr "git: $errorInfo" }
if {[catch {
# cvs bug: calling cvs status for files in other directories spoils status
# information for local files.
# fix: check local and non local files separately
# fails if we have no cvs or server has a problem
if {$debug} {
puts stderr "cvs status -l -v $topfiles $argv"
set statusinfo [open "|cvs status -l -v $topfiles $argv 2>@ stdout"]
scanfile $global_context $statusinfo
# fails if this is no cvs repo
close $statusinfo
# set files {}
# foreach file $argv {
# if {[file tail $file] != $file} {
# lappend files $file
# }
# }
# if [llength $files] {
# set statusinfo [open "|cvs status -l -v $files 2>@ stdout"]
# scanfile $global_context $statusinfo
# close $statusinfo
# }
puts $version
}] && $debug} { puts stderr "cvs: $errorInfo" }
puts stderr "No repository found => version test"
puts "test"
# $Header: /cvs/G/DRV/misc/App/tools/getVersion.tcl,v 1.3 2010/08/03 08:42:40 zimoch Exp $
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