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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jan 25, 2019
  2. Jan 23, 2019
  3. Jan 19, 2019
  4. Dec 18, 2018
  5. Dec 10, 2018
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Version 0.15.1 · 471cdfc1
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Fix extra interface creation · 1f85ed9f
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      Not sure why a tuple instead of network was returned...
      There must have been a comma at the end of the line due to copy/pasting
      and black converted that to a tuple.
      Added a test for the create_interface function.
      JIRA INFRA-697 #action In Progress
  6. Nov 30, 2018
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Update Version 0.15.0 changelog · 537991a2
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Dash changed to underscore in flask commands · f9fe5937
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      Linked to click update to 7.x
      Subcommands that are named by the function now automatically have the
      underscore replaced with a dash. If you register a function named
      my_command it becomes my-command in the command line interface.
      JIRA INFRA-687
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Version 0.15.0 · c054d1b7
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Fix test_create_host failure · 97844eba
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      - create_host doesn't return 403 for user_lab but 200 because the form
        validation fails (the network_id is not part of the form choices)
      - caching disabled during tests
        the current_user could sometimes return a different username because of
        caching: the database is cleaned between each test, so different users
        can have the same id and an old user could be returned instead of the new
        one due to caching
      JIRA INFRA-578
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Fix WhiteNoise static directory · 109b912e
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      - flask-bootstrap dependency removed a while ago
      - the full static directory shall be passed
      JIRA INFRA-683
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Update Python to 3.7.1 and dependencies · 58082763
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      All dependencies upgraded except:
      - redis (3.0.1 not compatible with rq)
      - WTForms
      JIRA INFRA-684
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Add extra fields to the API · e6494e47
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      - add fqdn to host
      - add gateway to network
      - add netmask to interface
      - allow to pass recursive via the API (to expand interfaces in host)
      - add is_main property to interface (True if the interface is the main
        interface of the host)
      JIRA INFRA-640
  7. Nov 29, 2018
  8. Nov 28, 2018
  9. Nov 27, 2018
  10. Nov 09, 2018
  11. Nov 06, 2018
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Make host/interface/cname unique · fc7ac34a
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      - Host names are unique (no 2 hosts with same name)
      - A host name shall not conflict with a cname or interface (if not main
      - Interface names are unique (no 2 interfaces with same name)
      - An interface shall not conflict with a cname or host (if not assigned
      - cnames are only unique by domain (2 cnames can have the same name if
      different domains)
      - A cname shall not conflict with a host or interface
      - An interface has to be linked to a host
      Validation is implemented at the model level.
      Some is also implemented at the form level as it gives nicer feedback,
      but not all as it's a bit more complex when it requires check on several fields.
      JIRA INFRA-245
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Replace bootstrap-select with selectize · 733736e1
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      selectize-bootstrap4-theme v2.0.2 from
      To use selectize on a Select or MultiSelect field, add the
      selectize-default class. It initializes selectize with the default
      JIRA INFRA-644 #action In Progress
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Make mac addresses unique by interface · 16ac3272
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      - mac is now a column in the interface table (no link to the mac table)
      - mac column is unique (can't have 2 interfaces with the same mac)
      - the mac table is kept for the items
      JIRA INFRA-639
  12. Oct 18, 2018
  13. Oct 15, 2018
  14. Oct 12, 2018
  15. Oct 11, 2018