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class dst:
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    Simple class to read in a
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    TraceWin distribution file

    Class afterwards hold the following
    dictionary items:
    - x [m]
    - xp [rad]
    - y [m]
    - yp [rad]
    - phi [rad]
    - E [MeV] (kinetic energy)

    def __init__(self, filename=None, freq=352.21, mass=938.272, Ib=0.0):
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        # easy storage..
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        self.filename = filename
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        # used to create dict behaviour..
        self._columns = ["x", "xp", "y", "yp", "phi", "E"]
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        if filename:
            # read in the file..
            import numpy
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            self.Np = 0
            self.Ib = Ib
            self.freq = freq
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            self._data = numpy.zeros((self.Np, 6))
            self.mass = mass
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    def append(self, x=0.0, xp=0.0, y=0.0, yp=0.0, E=0.0, phi=0.0):
        Append one particle to the distribution

        - Kinetic Energy in MeV
        - x,y in m
        - xp,yp in rad
        - phi in rad
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        self._data = numpy.append(self._data, [[x, xp, y, yp, phi, E]], 0)
        self.Np += 1
    def append_many(self, array):
        Append a matrix of particle vectors.

        Matrix on form 6xN, where N is number of particles.
        Each row should hold [x,xp,y,yp,phi,E]
        Units m,rad, MeV
        import numpy

        self._data = numpy.append(self._data, array, 0)
        self.Np += len(array)

    def combine_dst(self, other):
        Appends the particles from another dst object to this one

        if abs(self.mass - other.mass) > 1e-5:
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            raise ValueError("Adding two distributions with differing mass: {} and {}".format(self.mass, other.mass))
        if abs(self.freq - other.freq) > 1e-5:
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            raise ValueError("You are trying to add two distributions with differing freq: {} and {}".format(self.freq, other.freq))

        self.Ib = (self.Ib * self.Np + other.Ib * other.Np) / (self.Np + other.Np)
        Removes all particles from the distribution, or the line specified by i
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        if i is None:
            self._data = numpy.delete(self._data, numpy.s_[:], 0)
            self.Np = 0
            self._data = numpy.delete(self._data, i, 0)
            self.Np -= 1
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    def _readBinaryFile(self):
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        # Thanks Ema!
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        import numpy

        fin = open(self.filename, "r")
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        # shortnaming
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        i8 = numpy.int8
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        i16 = numpy.int16
        i32 = numpy.int32
        f64 = numpy.float64
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        # dummy, Np, Ib, freq, dummy
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        Header_type = numpy.dtype([("dummy12", i16), ("Np", i32), ("Ib", f64), ("freq", f64), ("dummy3", i8)])
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        Header = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=Header_type, count=1)
        self.Np = Header["Np"][0]
        self.Ib = Header["Ib"][0]
        self.freq = Header["freq"][0]
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        # Some toutatis distributions has an undocumented 7th line of 0's
        Table = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=numpy.float64, count=self.Np * 7 + 1)
        if len(Table) == self.Np * 7 + 1:
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            self._data = Table[:-1].reshape(self.Np, 7)
        elif len(Table) == self.Np * 6 + 1:  # this is true in most cases
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            self._data = Table[:-1].reshape(self.Np, 6)
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            raise ValueError("Incorrect table dimensions found:", len(Table))
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        # convert x,y from cm to m:
        self._data[:, 0] *= 1e-2
        self._data[:, 2] *= 1e-2
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        self.mass = Table[-1]
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    def keys(self):
        return self._columns[:]

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    def __getitem__(self, key):
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        # makes the class function as a dictionary
        # e.g. dst['x'] returns the x array..
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            i = self._columns.index(key)
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            return self._data[:, i]
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        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("Available keys: " + str(self._columns))
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    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
            i = self._columns.index(key)
            self._data[:, i] = value
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        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("Available keys: " + str(self._columns))
    def save(self, filename, toutatis=False):
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        Save the distribution file
        so it can be read by TraceWin again

        :param filename: Name of file
        :param toutatis: Include 7th column of zeros

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        Stolen from Ryoichi's (with permission)
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        from struct import pack
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        fout = open(filename, "wb")
        fout.write(pack("b", 125))
        fout.write(pack("b", 100))
        fout.write(pack("i", self.Np))
        fout.write(pack("d", self.Ib))
        fout.write(pack("d", self.freq))
        fout.write(pack("b", 125))
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        data = self._data.copy()
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        if toutatis and data.shape[1] == 6:
            data = numpy.append(data, numpy.zeros((len(data), 1)), 1)
        elif not toutatis and data.shape[1] == 7:
            data = data[:, :-1]
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        # convert x,y from m to cm:
        data[:, 0] *= 1e2
        data[:, 2] *= 1e2
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            data = data.reshape(self.Np * 7, 1)
            data = data.reshape(self.Np * 6, 1)
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        fout.write(pack("{}d".format(len(data)), *data))
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        fout.write(pack("d", self.mass))
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    def subplot(self, index, x, y=None, nb=100, mask=None):
        Create a subplot histogram similar to TraceWin.

            import numpy as np
            from ess import TraceWin
            from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

        from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import numpy as np

        units = {
            "x": "mm",
            "y": "mm",
            "xp": "mrad",
            "yp": "mrad",
            "E": "MeV",
            "phi": "deg",
        # get X and Y data
        dx = np.array(self[x])
        if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray):
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            dx = dx[mask]
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        if y is not None:
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            dy = np.array(self[y])
            if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray):
                dy = dy[mask]

        if x in ["x", "y", "xp", "yp"]:
            dx *= 1e3
        if y in ["x", "y", "xp", "yp"]:
            dy *= 1e3
        if x in ["phi"]:
            dx -= np.average(dx)
            dx *= 180 / np.pi
        if y in ["phi"]:
            dy -= np.average(dy)
            dy *= 180 / np.pi
        if x in ["E"] and max(dx) < 0.1:
            dx *= 1e3
            units["E"] = "keV"
        if y in ["E"] and max(dy) < 0.1:
            dy *= 1e3
            units["E"] = "keV"

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        if y is not None:
            plt.hist2d(dx, dy, bins=nb, norm=LogNorm())
            plt.title("{} [{}] - {} [{}]".format(x, units[x], y, units[y]))
            hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(dx, bins=nb)
            b = bin_edges[:-1] + 0.5 * (bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0])
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                b, hist * 0.2 * (max(dy) - min(dy)) / max(hist) + min(dy), "k", lw=1.5, drawstyle="steps",
            hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(dy, bins=nb)
            b = bin_edges[:-1] + 0.0 * (bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0])
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                hist * 0.2 * (max(dx) - min(dx)) / max(hist) + min(dx), b, "k", lw=1.5, drawstyle="steps",
            # plot a simple 1D histogram..
            plt.hist(dx, bins=nb)
            plt.title("{} [{}]".format(x, units[x]))

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class plt:
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    TraceWin plot file

    Class afterwards hold the following
    dictionary items:
    - Ne (number of locations)
    - Np (number of particles)
    - Ib [A] (beam current)
    - freq [MHz]
    - Nelp [m] (locations)
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    each plt[i], where i is element number, holds:
      - Zgen [cm] (location)
      - phase0 [deg] (ref phase)
      - wgen [MeV] (ref energy)
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      - x [array, m]
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      - xp [array, rad]
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      - y [array, m]
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      - yp [array, rad]
      - phi [array, rad]
      - E [array, MeV]
      - l [array] (is lost)

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        for i in [97,98]:
            if data:
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    def __init__(self, filename):
        # easy storage..
        self.filename = filename
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        # used to create dict behaviour..
        self._columns = ["x", "xp", "y", "yp", "phi", "E", "l"]
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        # read in the file..

    def _readBinaryFile(self):
        # Thanks Emma!

        import numpy

        fin = open(self.filename, "r")
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        # dummy, Np, Ib, freq, dummy
        Header_type = numpy.dtype(
                ("dummy12", numpy.int16),
                ("Ne", numpy.int32),
                ("Np", numpy.int32),
                ("Ib", numpy.float64),
                ("freq", numpy.float64),
                ("mc2", numpy.float64),
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        # shortnaming
        i8 = numpy.int8
        i32 = numpy.int32
        f64 = numpy.float64
        SubHeader_type = numpy.dtype([("dummy12", i8), ("Nelp", i32), ("Zgen", f64), ("phase0", f64), ("wgen", f64)])

        Header = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=Header_type, count=1)
        self.Np = Header["Np"][0]
        self.Ne = Header["Ne"][0]
        self.Ib = Header["Ib"][0]
        self.freq = Header["freq"][0]
        self.mc2 = Header["mc2"][0]

        self._data = []
        self.Nelp = []

        i = 0
        while i < self.Ne:
            SubHeader = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=SubHeader_type, count=1)
            # unfinished files need this fix (simulation still running)
            if len(SubHeader["Nelp"]) == 0:
            i = SubHeader["Nelp"][0]
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            Table = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=self.Np * 7)
            Table = Table.reshape(self.Np, 7)
            data = {}
            for key in ["Zgen", "phase0", "wgen"]:
                data[key] = SubHeader[key][0]
                c = self._columns[j]
                data[c] = Table[:, j]
                # convert x,y from cm to m
                if c in ["x", "y"]:
                    data[c] *= 1e-2
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    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key in self.Nelp:
            import numpy

            i = self.Nelp.index(key)
            ret = {}
            # some particles are lost, exclude those:
            lost_mask = self._data[i]["l"] == 0
            for key in self._data[i]:
                if isinstance(self._data[i][key], numpy.ndarray):
                    ret[key] = self._data[i][key][lost_mask]
                    ret[key] = self._data[i][key]
            return ret
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            print("No data to plot at element", key)
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    def calc_s(self):
        Generates self.s which holds
        the position of each element
        in metres
        self.s = []
        for i in self.Nelp:
            self.s.append(self[i]["Zgen"] / 100.0)
        self.s = numpy.array(self.s)

    def calc_avg(self):
        Calculates averages of 6D coordinates at each
        element, such that e.g.
        self.avg["x"] gives average X at each location.

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        Units: m, rad, MeV
        self.avg = dict(x=[], xp=[], y=[], yp=[], E=[], phi=[])
        vals = self._columns[:-1]

        for i in self.Nelp:
            data = self[i]
            for v in vals:

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    def calc_rel(self):
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        Calculates relativistic gamma/beta
        at each position, based on
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        AVERAGE beam energy
        (NOT necessarily reference)
        import numpy

        if not hasattr(self, "avg"):
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        self.gamma = []
        self.beta = []
        for i, j in zip(self.Nelp, range(len(self.Nelp))):
            Eavg = self.avg["E"][j]
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            self.gamma.append((self.mc2 + Eavg) / self.mc2)
            self.beta.append(numpy.sqrt(1.0 - 1.0 / self.gamma[-1] ** 2))
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        self.gamma = numpy.array(self.gamma)
        self.beta = numpy.array(self.beta)
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    def calc_minmax(self, pmin=5, pmax=95):
        Calculates min/max values of beam coordinates
        in percentile, pmin is lower and pmax upper.

        Units: cm
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        self.min = dict(x=[], xp=[], y=[], yp=[], E=[])
        self.max = dict(x=[], xp=[], y=[], yp=[], E=[])

        for i in self.Nelp:
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            data = self[i]
            for v in self.min.keys():
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                self.min[v].append(numpy.percentile(data[v], pmin))
                self.max[v].append(numpy.percentile(data[v], pmax))

        for v in self.min.keys():
            self.min[v] = numpy.array(self.min[v])
            self.max[v] = numpy.array(self.max[v])
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    def calc_sigma(self):
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        Calculates the sigma matrix

        Creates self.sigma such that self.sigma[i,j]
        returns the sigma matrix for value i,j.

        The numbering is:
        0: x
        1: xp
        2: y
        3: yp
        4: E
        5: phi
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        import numpy
        if not hasattr(self, "avg"):
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        vals = self._columns[:-1]
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        self.sigma = []
        for j in range(len(self.Nelp)):
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            i = self.Nelp[j]
            data = self[i]
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            self.sigma.append([[numpy.mean((data[n] - self.avg[n][j]) * (data[m] - self.avg[m][j])) for n in vals] for m in vals])
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        self.sigma = numpy.array(self.sigma).transpose()
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    def calc_std(self):
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        Calculates the beam sizes

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        import numpy

        if not hasattr(self, "sigma"):
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        vals = self._columns[:-1]
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        self.std = {}
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            v = vals[j]
            self.std[v] = numpy.sqrt(self.sigma[j, j])
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    def calc_twiss(self):
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        Calculates emittance, beta, alfa, gamma
        for each plane, x-xp, y-yp, and E-phi
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        if not hasattr(self, "sigma"):
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        if not hasattr(self, "gamma"):
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        self.twiss_eps = []
        for j in range(len(self.Nelp)):
            self.twiss_eps.append([numpy.sqrt(numpy.linalg.det(self.sigma[i : i + 2, i : i + 2, j])) for i in (0, 2, 4)])
        self.twiss_eps = numpy.array(self.twiss_eps).transpose()
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        # Calculate normalized emittance:
        # TODO: this is NOT correct normalization for longitudinal
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        self.twiss_eps_normed = self.twiss_eps.copy()
            self.twiss_eps_normed[i] *= self.gamma * self.beta
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        # Calculate beta:
        # This is a factor 10 different from what TraceWin plots
        self.twiss_beta = [[self.sigma[i, i, j] / self.twiss_eps[i // 2, j] for i in (0, 2, 4)] for j in range(len(self.Nelp))]
        self.twiss_beta = numpy.array(self.twiss_beta).transpose()
        # Calculate alpha:
        self.twiss_alpha = [[-self.sigma[i, i + 1, j] / self.twiss_eps[i // 2, j] for i in (0, 2, 4)] for j in range(len(self.Nelp))]
        self.twiss_alpha = numpy.array(self.twiss_alpha).transpose()
    def get_dst(self, index):
        Returns the dst corresponding to the given index
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        import numpy
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        dset = self[index]

        _dst = dst()
        _dst.freq = self.freq
        _dst.Ib = self.Ib * 1000
        _dst.Np = len(dset["x"])
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        _dst.mass = self.mc2
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        _dst._data = numpy.array([dset["x"], dset["xp"], dset["y"], dset["yp"], dset["phi"], dset["E"]]).transpose()
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    def save_dst(self, index, filename):
        Saves the dst at the specified index to file

        Returns the same dst object.
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        _dst = self.get_dst(index)
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        return _dst

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class density_file:
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    Simple class to read a TraceWin density file
    into a pythonized object

    Class afterwards hold the same items as
    found in the TraceWin documentation:
    z, nelp, ib, Np, Xouv, Youv, dXouv, ..
    def __init__(self, filename, envelope=None):
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        import numpy
        import sys
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        self.filename = filename
        self.fin = open(self.filename, "r")
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        if envelope is None:  # try to guess
            if filename.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] == "Density_Env":
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                self.envelope = True
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                self.envelope = False
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            self.envelope = envelope
        # currently unknown:
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        self.version = 0
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        # first we simply count how many elements we have:
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        counter = 0
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        while True:
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                counter += 1
            except IndexError:  # EOF reached..
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        if sys.flags.debug:
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            print("Number of steps found:", counter)
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        # set up the arrays..
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        self.i = 0
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        # z position [m] :
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        self.z = numpy.zeros(counter)
        # element index number
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        self.nelp = numpy.zeros(counter)
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        # current [mA] :
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        self.ib = numpy.zeros(counter)
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        # number of lost particles:
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        self.Np = numpy.zeros(counter)
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        self.Xouv = numpy.zeros(counter)
        self.Youv = numpy.zeros(counter)
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        if self.version >= 9:
            self.dXouv = numpy.zeros(counter)
            self.dYouv = numpy.zeros(counter)
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        self.moy = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
        self.moy2 = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
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        self._max = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
        self._min = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
        if self.version >= 11:
            self.phaseF = numpy.zeros((counter))
            self.phaseG = numpy.zeros((counter))

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        if self.version >= 10:
            self.maxR = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
            self.minR = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
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        if self.version >= 5:
            self.rms_size = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
            self.rms_size2 = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
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        if self.version >= 6:
            self.min_pos_moy = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
            self.max_pos_moy = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
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        if self.version >= 7:
            self.rms_emit = numpy.zeros((counter, 3))
            self.rms_emit2 = numpy.zeros((counter, 3))
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        if self.version >= 8:
            self.energy_accept = numpy.zeros(counter)
            self.phase_ouv_pos = numpy.zeros(counter)
            self.phase_ouv_neg = numpy.zeros(counter)
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        self.lost = numpy.zeros((counter, self.Nrun))
        self.powlost = numpy.zeros((counter, self.Nrun))
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        self.lost2 = numpy.zeros(counter)
        self.Minlost = numpy.zeros(counter)
        self.Maxlost = numpy.zeros(counter)
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        self.powlost2 = numpy.zeros(counter)
        self.Minpowlost = numpy.zeros(counter)
        self.Maxpowlost = numpy.zeros(counter)
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        while self.i < counter:
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            self.i += 1
            if sys.flags.debug and self.i % 100 == 0:
                print("Read status", self.i)
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    def _getHeader(self):
        import numpy

        # header..
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        version = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0]
        year = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0]
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        # in case we did not read all data, this will detect our mistake:
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        shift = 0
        while year != 2011 or version not in [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]:
            shift += 1
            version = year
            year = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0]
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            print(year, version)
            raise ValueError(f"ERROR, shifted {shift + 2} bytes")
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        self.vlong = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0]
        self.Nrun = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0]
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        self.version = version
        self.year = year
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    def _skipAndCount(self):
        import numpy

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            if self.version == 8:
                numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=292 // 2)
            elif self.version == 9:
                numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=300 // 2)
            elif self.version == 10:
                numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=356 // 2)
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            elif self.version == 11:
                numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=364 // 2)
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                raise TypeError(f"It is not possible to read {self.filename}")
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        elif self.Nrun > 1:
            # WARN not 100% sure if this is correct..
            if self.version <= 9:
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                numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=((5588 + self.Nrun * 12) // 2))
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            elif self.version == 10:
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                numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=((20796 + self.Nrun * 12) // 2))
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                raise TypeError(f"It is not possible to read {self.filename}")
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        elif self.version == 8:
            numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=8344 // 2)
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        elif self.version == 9:
            numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=12352 // 2)
        elif self.version == 10:
            numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=12408 // 2)
            numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=12416 // 2)
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            raise TypeError(f"It is not possible to read {self.filename}")

    def _get_7dim_array(array):
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        return dict(x=array[0], y=array[1], phase=array[2], energy=array[3], r=array[4], z=array[5], dpp=array[6],)
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    def _getFullContent(self):

        import numpy

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        # self._getHeader()
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        # no need to read the header again:
        # (though only if we are SURE about content!)
        ver, year, vlong = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=3)
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        if year != self.year:
            raise ValueError(f"year doesn't match {self.year} vs {year} in {self.filename}")
        if ver != self.version:
            raise ValueError(f"version doesn't match {self.version} vs {ver} in {self.filename}")

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        numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0]
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        self.nelp[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0]
        self.ib[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
        self.z[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
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        # Aperture
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        self.Xouv[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
        self.Youv[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
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        # dXouv, dYouv:
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        if self.version >= 9:
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            numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
            numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
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        step = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0]

        n = 7  # x [m], y[m], Phase [deg], Energy [MeV], R[m], Z[m], dp/p

        self.moy[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]
        self.moy2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]

        self._max[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]
        self._min[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]

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            self.phaseF[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
            self.phaseG[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
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        if self.version >= 10:
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            self.maxR[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]
            self.minR[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]
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        if self.version >= 5:
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            self.rms_size[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
            self.rms_size2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
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        if self.version >= 6:
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            self.min_pos_moy[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
            self.max_pos_moy[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
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        if self.version >= 7:
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            self.rms_emit[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=3)[:]
            self.rms_emit2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=3)[:]
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        if self.version >= 8:
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            self.energy_accept[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)
            self.phase_ouv_pos[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)
            self.phase_ouv_neg[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)
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        self.Np[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
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        if self.Np[self.i]:
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                self.lost[self.i, i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
                self.powlost[self.i, i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
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            self.lost2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
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            self.Minlost[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
            self.Maxlost[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
            self.powlost2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float64, count=1)[0]
            self.Minpowlost[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
            self.Maxpowlost[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
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            # tab
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            if self.vlong == 1:
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                numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.uint64, count=n * step)
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                numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.uint32, count=n * step)
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            # tabp
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            if self.ib[self.i] > 0:
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                numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.uint32, count=3 * step)
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    def _avg_merge(self, other, param):
        returns the average of the parameter
        weighted by how many Nruns in self and other object

        This allows for different lengths of the two arrays..
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        mine = getattr(self, param)
        new = getattr(other, param)
        if len(mine) > len(new):
            ret = mine.copy()
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            ret[: len(new)] = (mine[: len(new)] * self.Nrun + new * other.Nrun) / (self.Nrun + other.Nrun)
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        elif len(mine) < len(new):
            ret = new.copy()
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            ret[: len(mine)] = (mine * self.Nrun + new[: len(mine)] * other.Nrun) / (self.Nrun + other.Nrun)
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            ret = (mine * self.Nrun + new * other.Nrun) / (self.Nrun + other.Nrun)
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    def _sum_merge(self, other, param):
        returns the sum of the parameter

        This allows for different lengths of the two arrays..
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        mine = getattr(self, param)
        new = getattr(other, param)
        if len(mine) > len(new):
            ret = mine.copy()
            ret[: len(new)] += new
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        elif len(mine) < len(new):
            ret = new.copy()
            ret[: len(mine)] += mine
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            ret = mine + new
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    def _concatenate_merge(self, other, param):
        returns the concatenation of the two matrices

        This allows for different lengths of the two arrays/matrices..
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        mine = getattr(self, param)
        new = getattr(other, param)
        ret = numpy.zeros((max([len(mine), len(new)]), len(mine[0]) + len(new[0])))
        ret[: len(mine), : len(mine[0])] = mine
        ret[: len(new), len(mine[0]) :] = new
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    def _fun_merge(self, other, function, param):
        returns the function applied on the parameter

        This allows for different lengths of the two arrays..
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        mine = getattr(self, param)
        new = getattr(other, param)
        if len(mine) > len(new):
            ret = mine.copy()
            ret[: len(new)] = function(mine[: len(new)], new)
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        elif len(mine) < len(new):
            ret = new.copy()
            ret[: len(mine)] = function(mine, new[: len(mine)])
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            ret = function(mine, new)
        return ret
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    def merge(self, objects):
        Merge with list of objects
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        if not isinstance(objects, list):
            raise TypeError("You tried to merge a non-list")

        # for now we only allow objects with same version..
        for o in objects:
            if self.version != o.version:
                raise ValueError("Cannot merge files with differing version")

        # merge info..
        for o in objects:
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            if len(self.ib) < len(o.ib):
                raise ValueError("Sorry, not implemented yet. Complain to Yngve")

            self.ib = self._avg_merge(o, "ib")

            # this looks strange to me, but it is what TraceWin does..
            self.moy = self._sum_merge(o, "moy")
            self.moy2 = self._sum_merge(o, "moy")
            self._max = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.maximum, "_max")
            self._min = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.minimum, "_min")
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            if self.version >= 5:
                # this looks strange to me, but it is what TraceWin does..
                self.rms_size = self._sum_merge(o, "rms_size")
                self.rms_size2 = self._sum_merge(o, "rms_size2")
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            if self.version >= 6:
                self.max_pos_moy = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.maximum, "max_pos_moy")
                self.min_pos_moy = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.minimum, "min_pos_moy")
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            if self.version >= 7:
                # this looks strange to me, but it is what TraceWin does..
                self.rms_emit = self._sum_merge(o, "rms_emit")
                self.rms_emit2 = self._sum_merge(o, "rms_emit2")
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            if self.version >= 8:
                # Warning: TraceWin does NOT merge these data in any way
                self.energy_accept = self._avg_merge(o, "energy_accept")
                self.phase_ouv_pos = self._avg_merge(o, "phase_ouv_pos")
                self.phase_ouv_neg = self._avg_merge(o, "phase_ouv_neg")

            # Note, we don't get into the problem of differing table sizes
            # particles are lost, because we have written zeroes for
            # the rest of the tables

            self.lost = self._concatenate_merge(o, "lost")
            self.powlost = self._concatenate_merge(o, "powlost")
            self.lost2 = self._sum_merge(o, "lost2")
            self.powlost2 = self._sum_merge(o, "powlost2")
            self.Minlost = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.minimum, "Minlost")
            self.Maxlost = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.maximum, "Maxlost")
            self.Minpowlost = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.minimum, "Minpowlost")
            self.Maxpowlost = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.maximum, "Maxpowlost")

            # Note: We are ignoring tab/tabp data...

            # merge final info (make sure to do this last!)
            self.Np = self._sum_merge(o, "Np")
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            self.Nrun += o.Nrun
    def savetohdf(self, filename="Density.h5", group="TraceWin", force=False):
        Saves data to HDF5
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        import h5py
        import sys
        fout = h5py.File(filename, "a")
        if group in fout:
            if force:
                del fout[group]
                if sys.flags.debug:
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                    print("Group {} already exist in {}".format(group, filename))
        group = fout.create_group(group)

        # header attributes..
        group.attrs["version"] = self.version
        group.attrs["year"] = self.year
        group.attrs["Nrun"] = self.Nrun
        group.attrs["vlong"] = self.vlong
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        length = len(self.z)
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        partran = sum(self.Np) > 0

        # one number per location
        arrays = ["z", "nelp", "ib", "Np", "Xouv", "Youv"]
        array_units = ["m", "", "mA", "", "m", "m"]
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        if self.version >= 8:
            arrays += ["energy_accept", "phase_ouv_pos", "phase_ouv_neg"]
            array_units += ["eV", "deg", "deg"]
        if partran:
            arrays += [
            array_units += ["", "", "", "W*w", "W", "W"]

        # 7 numbers per location..
        coordinates = ["moy", "moy2", "_max", "_min"]
        coordinate_units = ["m", "m*m", "m", "m"]
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        if self.version >= 5 and partran:
            coordinates += ["rms_size", "rms_size2"]
            coordinate_units += ["m", "m*m"]
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        if self.version >= 6 and partran:
            coordinates += ["min_pos_moy", "max_pos_moy"]
            coordinate_units += ["m", "m"]
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        for val, unit in zip(arrays, array_units):
            data_set = group.create_dataset(val, (length,), dtype="f")
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            data_set[...] = getattr(self, val)
                data_set.attrs["unit"] = unit
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        for val, unit in zip(coordinates, coordinate_units):
            data_set = group.create_dataset(val, (length, 7), dtype="f")
Yngve Levinsen's avatar
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            data_set[...] = getattr(self, val)
                data_set.attrs["unit"] = unit
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        if self.version >= 7 and partran:
            # 3 numbers per location..
            emit_data = ["rms_emit", "rms_emit2"]
            emit_units = ["m*rad", "m*m*rad*rad"]
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            for val, unit in zip(emit_data, emit_units):
                data_set = group.create_dataset(val, (length, 3), dtype="f")
Yngve Levinsen's avatar
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                data_set[...] = getattr(self, val)
                    data_set.attrs["unit"] = unit
        if partran:
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            # 1 numbers per location and per run..
            data = ["lost", "powlost"]
            units = ["", "W"]
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            for val, unit in zip(data, units):
                data_set = group.create_dataset(val, (length, self.Nrun), dtype="f")
Yngve Levinsen's avatar
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                data_set[...] = getattr(self, val)
                    data_set.attrs["unit"] = unit
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class remote_data_merger:
    def __init__(self, base="."):
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        self._base = base
        self._files = []
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    def add_file(self, filepath):
        import os

        if os.path.exists(filepath):
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            fname = filepath
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            fullpath = os.path.join(self._base, filepath)
            if os.path.exists(fullpath):
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                fname = fullpath
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                raise ValueError("Could not find file " + filepath)
        if fname not in self._files:

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    def generate_partran_out(self, filename=None):
        Creates a string to be written to file
        each line is a list.

        If filename is given, writes directly to output file.

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        import numpy as np

Yngve Levinsen's avatar
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        h1 = []
        h2 = []
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Yngve Levinsen's avatar
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        d1 = []
        d2 = []
        d3 = []
Yngve Levinsen's avatar
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        if self._files:
            for f in self._files:
                string = open(f, "r").read()
                split = string.split("$$$")
                if split[9] != "Data_Error":
                    raise ValueError("Magic problem, please complain to Yngve")

                thisdata = split[10].strip().split("\n")
Yngve Levinsen's avatar
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                if not h1:
Yngve Levinsen's avatar
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                    h1 = [thisdata[0] + " (std in paranthesis)"]
                    h2 = thisdata[2:10]
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            # fix d1:
            for i in range(len(d1)):
                for j in range(len(d1[0])):
Yngve Levinsen's avatar
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                    d1[i][j] = float(d1[i][j])
            d1 = np.array(d1)
            means = d1.mean(axis=0)
            stds = d1.std(axis=0)
            d1 = []
Yngve Levinsen's avatar
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                if stds[i] / means[i] < 1e-10:
                    stds[i] = 0.0
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                # some small std are removed..
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                if stds[i] / means[i] > 1e-8:
                    d1.append("%f(%f)" % (means[i], stds[i]))
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                else:  # error is 0
Yngve Levinsen's avatar
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            d1 = [" ".join(d1)]
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            # create data:
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            data = h1 + d1 + h2 + d2 + d3
                open(filename, "w").write("\n".join(data))

class envDiag:
    Read ENV_diag1.dat file

    This contains e.g. the absolute phase at each diag

    For now we do not read in all info from the file,
    so feel free to request or add anything else you would like.

    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename
        self.elements = {}
        # Needed to get an ordered dictionary:
        self._elementList = []
        self.units = {}

    def _readAsciiFile(self):
        for line in open(self.filename, "r"):
            if lsp[0] == "DIAG":
                self.elements[int(lsp[2])] = {}
                current = self.elements[int(lsp[2])]
                current["loc"] = float(lsp[4])
            elif lsp[0] == "Ibeam:":
                current["current"] = float(lsp[1])
            elif lsp[0] == "Positions":
                current["phase"] = float(lsp[5])
                current["energy"] = float(lsp[6])
            elif lsp[0] == "RMS":
                current["x_rms"] = float(lsp[4]) * 0.01
                current["y_rms"] = float(lsp[5]) * 0.01
                current["phase_rms"] = float(lsp[6])
                current["energy_rms"] = float(lsp[7])
            elif lsp[0] == "Emittances":
                current["emit_x"] = float(lsp[3])
                current["emit_y"] = float(lsp[4])
                current["emit_z"] = float(lsp[5])
            elif lsp[0] == "Emittances99":
                current["emit99_x"] = float(lsp[3])
                current["emit99_y"] = float(lsp[4])
                current["emit99_z"] = float(lsp[5])
            elif lsp[0] == "Twiss":
                if lsp[1] == "Alpha" and lsp[3] == "(XXp,":
                    current["alpha_x"] = float(lsp[6])
                    current["alpha_y"] = float(lsp[7])
                elif lsp[1] == "Alpha" and lsp[3] == "(ZDp/p)":
                    current["alpha_z"] = float(lsp[5])
                elif lsp[1] == "Beta":
                    current["beta_x"] = float(lsp[5])
                    current["beta_y"] = float(lsp[6])
                    current["beta_z"] = float(lsp[7])
        Set the units for each element in the element dictionary
        (empty string for all undefined)
        for key in ["loc", "x_rms", "y_rms"]:
            self.units[key] = "m"
        for key in ["emit_x", "emit_y", "emit_z", "emit99_x", "emit99_y", "emit99_z"]:
            self.units[key] = ""
        for key in ["current"]:
            self.units[key] = "mA"
        for key in ["energy", "energy_rms"]:
            self.units[key] = "MeV"
        for key in ["phase", "phase_rms"]:
            self.units[key] = "deg"
        for key in ["beta_x", "beta_y", "beta_z"]:
            self.units[key] = "mm/mrad"

        for element in self.elements:
            for key in self.elements[element]:
                if key not in self.units:
                    self.units[key] = ""
        Make a pretty print of the content
        first = True
        rjust = 12
        for ekey in self._elementList:
            element = self.elements[ekey]

            # Print header if this is the first element..
            if first:
                keys = [key for key in element]
                print("#", end=" ")
                print("NUM".rjust(rjust), end=" ")
                    print(key.rjust(rjust), end=" ")
                print("#", end=" ")
                print("".rjust(rjust), end=" ")
                    print(self.units[key].rjust(rjust), end=" ")
            print("  " + str(ekey).rjust(rjust), end=" ")
            for key in keys:
                num = element[key]
                if isinstance(num, float):
                    strnum = "{:.5e}".format(num)
                    strnum = str(element[key])
                print(strnum.rjust(rjust), end=" ")

    def getElement(self, elementId):
        Returns the element dictionary for the given ID
        return self.elements[elementId]

    def getElementAtLoc(self, location):
        Returns a list of elements at the location requested
        ret = []
        for key in self.elements:
            if abs(self.elements[key]["loc"] - location) < 1e-6:
        return ret

    def getParameterFromAll(self, parameter):
        Returns a list containing the given parameter from all DIAGS,
        ordered by the location of the DIAGs
        if parameter == "NUM":
        ret = []
        for key in self._elementList:

        return ret
class envelope:
    Read an envelope file
    Create one by saving envelope data plot
    to ascii

        from ess import TraceWin
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        data = TraceWin.envelope('envelope.txt')
        for key in data:
            print(key, data.unit(key))
            if 'rms_' in key:
                plt.plot(data['position'], data[key]/max(data[key]), label=f"{key} [{data.unit(key)}]")
        plt.xlabel(f"Position [{data.unit('position')}]")


    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename
        self.headers = ()
        self._units = []
        self._raw_data = None

    def _readAsciiFile(self):

        import numpy

        self._raw_data = numpy.loadtxt(self.filename, skiprows=1)
        with open(self.filename, "r") as fin:
            header = fin.readline()
            headers = []
            for h in header.split():
                if "centroid" == h:
                elif "(" not in h:
                elif "unit(" in h:
                    self._units = tuple(h.split("(")[1][:-1].split(","))
                    base, main = h.split("(")
                    if base:
                        for k in main[:-1].split(","):
            self.headers = tuple(headers)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.keys())

    def keys(self):
        return self.headers

    def where(self, column):
        if column not in self.keys():
            raise ValueError(f"Wrong column name {column}")
        for i in range(len(self.keys())):
            if self.keys()[i] == column:
                return i

    def __getitem__(self, column):
        Get the data of the column specified

        index = self.where(column)
        return self._raw_data[:, index]

    def unit(self, column):
        TODO gam-1
        if "'" in column:
            return self._units[1]
        elif "/" in column:
            return ""
        elif column in ["time"]:
            return self._units[3]
        elif "phase" in column:
            return self._units[2]
        elif "energy" in column:
            return self._units[4]
        elif "gam-1" == column:
            return "GeV"
        return self._units[0]

class partran(dict):
    Read partran1.out files..

    This class can also read tracewin.out (same format)
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    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename

    def _readAsciiFile(self):

        import numpy

        stream = open(self.filename, "r")
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        for i in range(10):
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            line = stream.readline()
            if line.strip()[0] == "#":
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        self.columns = ["NUM"] + line.split()[1:]
Yngve Levinsen's avatar
Yngve Levinsen committed = numpy.loadtxt(stream)
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        self._dict = {}
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        for i in range(len(self.columns)):
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            self[self.columns[i]] =[:, i]

class field_map:
    Class to read in the field map structures

    WARNING: Work in progress!!

    def __init__(self, filename):
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        self._filename = filename

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    def _load_data(self, filename):
        import os
        import numpy

        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise ValueError("Cannot find file {}".format(filename))
        fin = open(filename, "r")
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        line = fin.readline().split()
        self.header = []
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        self.start = []
        self.end = []
        numindexes = []
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        while len(line) > 1:
            [self.header.append(float(i)) for i in line]
            numindexes.append(int(line[0]) + 1)
            if len(line) == 2:
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            line = fin.readline().split()
        if len(self.start) == 1:
            self.z = numpy.mgrid[self.start[0] : self.end[0] : numindexes[0] * 1j]
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        elif len(self.start) == 2:
            self.z, self.x = numpy.mgrid[
Yngve Levinsen's avatar
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                self.start[0] : self.end[0] : numindexes[0] * 1j, self.start[1] : self.end[1] : numindexes[1] * 1j,
        elif len(self.start) == 3:
            self.z, self.x, self.y = numpy.mgrid[
                self.start[0] : self.end[0] : numindexes[0] * 1j,
                self.start[1] : self.end[1] : numindexes[1] * 1j,
                self.start[2] : self.end[2] : numindexes[2] * 1j,
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        self.norm = float(line[0])
Yngve Levinsen's avatar
Yngve Levinsen committed = numpy.loadtxt(fin).reshape(numindexes)
    def get_flat_fieldmap(self):
        totmapshape = 1
        for i in
            totmapshape *= i

    def interpolate(self, npoints: tuple, method="cubic"):
        Interpolate the map into a new mesh
        Each value should be an integer with the number of mesh points in each dimension
        intervals should be tuple-like with same number of elements
        as the map dimension, e.g. [0.8,0.8] for 2D
        Can also be a float if you want same interpolation factor in all planes

        method can be 'linear', 'nearest' or 'cubic'
        import numpy
        from scipy.interpolate import griddata

        values =

        if len(self.start) == 1:
            points = self.z[:]
            self.z = numpy.mgrid[self.start[0] : self.end[0] : npoints[0] * 1j]
   = griddata(points, values, self.z)
        if len(self.start) == 2:
            points = numpy.array([self.z.flatten(), self.x.flatten()]).transpose()
            self.z, self.x = numpy.mgrid[
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                self.start[0] : self.end[0] : npoints[0] * 1j, self.start[1] : self.end[1] : npoints[1] * 1j,
   = griddata(points, values, (self.z, self.x))
        if len(self.start) == 3:
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            points = numpy.array([self.z.flatten(), self.x.flatten(), self.y.flatten()]).transpose()
            self.z, self.x, self.y = numpy.mgrid[
                self.start[0] : self.end[0] : npoints[0] * 1j,
                self.start[1] : self.end[1] : npoints[1] * 1j,
                self.start[2] : self.end[2] : npoints[2] * 1j,
   = griddata(points, values, (self.z, self.x, self.y))
            self.header[0] = npoints[0] - 1
            self.header[2] = npoints[1] - 1
            self.header[5] = npoints[2] - 1
    def savemap(self, filename):
        fout = open(filename, "w")
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        for n, s in zip(, self.size):
            fout.write("{} {}\n".format(n - 1, s))
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        totmapshape = 1
        for i in
Yngve Levinsen's avatar
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            totmapshape *= i
        data =

class project:
    def __init__(self, project_fname=None, settings_fname=None):
        Read and modify project files

            p = project('SPK.ini')
            for diff in p.compare_to('MEBT.ini'):
            p.set('main:beam1_energy', 89e6)
        import json
        import pkg_resources

        if settings_fname is None:
            self._refdict, self._rules = json.loads(pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, "data/tw_project_file_reverse_engineered.json"))
            self._refdict, self._rules = json.loads(open(self._settings_fname, "r").read())

        self._settings_fname = settings_fname
        self._project_fname = project_fname

        self._dict = {}
        if self._project_fname is not None:

    def _read_settings(self):
        import struct
        import textwrap

        with open(self._project_fname, "rb") as f:
            hexlist = textwrap.wrap(, 2)
        for key in self._refdict:
            o = self._refdict[key]
            if o[1] == "bool:list":
                vals = [struct.unpack("?", b"".fromhex(hexlist[i]))[0] for i in o[0]]
                if vals.count(True) != 1:
                    raise ValueError(f"Did not find {key} to be set correctly")
                self._dict[key] = o[-1][vals.index(True)]
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            elif o[1] == "str":
                string = self._find_string(hexlist, o[0], o[2])
                self._dict[key] = bytes.fromhex(string).decode("utf-8")
                current = "".join(hexlist[o[0] : o[0] + o[2]])
                if o[1] in ["d", "f", "i", "?"]:
                    self._dict[key] = struct.unpack(o[1], b"".fromhex(current))[0]
                    raise TypeError(f"Unknown type for {key}: {o[1]}")
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    def _find_string(self, hexlist, start, maxlen):
        string = ""
        i = 0
        while hexlist[start + i] != "00" and i < maxlen:
            string += hexlist[start + i]
            i += 1
        return string

    def print_settings(self, settings=None):
        Print the settings given, or all by default

        :param settings: List of the settings to print
        if settings is None:
            settings = self.keys()

        for setting in settings:
            print(setting, self._dict[setting])

    def keys(self):
        return self._dict.keys()

    def get(self, parameter):
        Get the setting of the parameter
        return self._dict[parameter]

    def get_type(self, parameter):
        Get the type of parameter
        as specified in the reference file
        return self._refdict[parameter][1]

    def get_options(self, parameter):
        Get the possible options for parameter
        as specified in the reference file
        return self._refdict[parameter][-1]

    def set(self, parameter, value):
        Set the new value for parameter
        current = self.get(parameter)
        if isinstance(current, bool):
            if not isinstance(value, bool):
                raise ValueError(f"{parameter} should be True or False")
        elif isinstance(current, (float, int)):
            if not isinstance(value, (float, int)):
                raise ValueError(f"{parameter} should be a number")
        elif self.get_type(parameter) == "bool:list":
            opts = self.get_options(parameter)
            if value not in opts:
                raise ValueError(f"{parameter} should be one of {opts}")
        self._dict[parameter] = value

    def _check_rule_same_sign(self, variables, explanation, fail_on_err):

        v1 = self.get(variables[0])
        for i in range(1, len(variables)):
            v2 = self.get(variables[i])
            if abs(v1 + v2) != abs(v1) + abs(v2):
                errmsg = f"{variables[i]} and {variables[0]} have opposite signs\nExplanation/logic: {explanation}"
                if fail_on_err:
                    raise ValueError(errmsg)

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    def _check_rule_endswith(self, end, variables, explanation, fail_on_err, fix_if_possible):

        for var in variables:
            value = self.get(var)
            if not value.endswith(end):
                errmsg = f"{var} should end with {end}\nExplanation/logic: {explanation}"
                if fail_on_err:
                    raise ValueError(errmsg)
                elif fix_if_possible:
                    self.set(var, value + end)

    def _unset_string_rules(self, variable, value):
        for r in self._rules:
            if variable in r[1]:
                if r[0].split(":")[0] == "endswith":
                    end = r[0].split(":")[1]
                    if value.endswith(end):
                        value = value[: -len(end)]
        return value

    def check_rule(self, rule=None, fail_on_err=False, fix_if_possible=False):
        Validate that we still obey the rule
        if rule is not given, check all rules
        if rule is None:
            rules = self._rules
            rules = [rule]

        for r in rules:
            if r[0] == "same-sign":
                self._check_rule_same_sign(r[1], r[2], fail_on_err)
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            elif r[0].split(":")[0] == "endswith":
                self._check_rule_endswith(r[0].split(":")[1], r[1], r[2], fail_on_err, fix_if_possible)
                raise TypeError(f"Unknown rule {r[0]}")

    def save(self, fname=None):
        Save the project file

        If fname not given, overwrite original file
        import struct
        from textwrap import wrap

        for rule in self._rules:
            self.check_rule(rule, fail_on_err=True)

        if fname is None:
            fname = self._project_fname

        with open(self._project_fname, "rb") as f:
            hexlist = wrap(, 2)

        for key in self._dict:
            o = self._refdict[key]
            v = self._dict[key]

            if o[1] == "bool:list":
                for i, val in zip(o[0], o[-1]):
                    if v == val:
                        t = True
                        t = False
                    hexlist[i] = struct.pack("?", t).hex()
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            elif o[1] == "str":
                v = self._unset_string_rules(key, v)
                h = wrap(v.encode(encoding="utf_8").hex(), 2)
                for i in range(len(h)):
                    hexlist[o[0] + i] = h[i]
                v = wrap(struct.pack(o[1], v).hex(), 2)
                for i in range(len(v)):
                    hexlist[o[0] + i] = v[i]

        open(fname, "wb").write(bytes.fromhex("".join(hexlist)))

    def compare_to(self, other):
        Compare the settings of this file to a
        different project file

        :param other: project object, or file path to other project file
        diffs = []

        if isinstance(other, str):
            other = project(other)

        for key in self.keys():
            if self.get(key) != other.get(key):
                diffs.append([key, self.get(key), other.get(key)])
        return diffs