TraceWin distribution file
Class afterwards hold the following
dictionary items:
- x [m]
- xp [rad]
- y [m]
- yp [rad]
- phi [rad]
- E [MeV] (kinetic energy)
def __init__(self, filename=None, freq=352.21, mass=938.272, Ib=0.0):
self._columns = ["x", "xp", "y", "yp", "phi", "E"]
if filename:
# read in the file..
import numpy
def append(self, x=0.0, xp=0.0, y=0.0, yp=0.0, E=0.0, phi=0.0):
Append one particle to the distribution
- Kinetic Energy in MeV
- x,y in m
- xp,yp in rad
- phi in rad
import numpy
self._data = numpy.append(self._data, [[x, xp, y, yp, phi, E]], 0)
self.Np += 1
Append a matrix of particle vectors.
Matrix on form 6xN, where N is number of particles.
Each row should hold [x,xp,y,yp,phi,E]
Units m,rad, MeV
import numpy
self._data = numpy.append(self._data, array, 0)
self.Np += len(array)
def combine_dst(self, other):
Appends the particles from another dst object to this one
if abs(self.mass - other.mass) > 1e-5:
raise ValueError("Adding two distributions with differing mass: {} and {}".format(self.mass, other.mass))
if abs(self.freq - other.freq) > 1e-5:
raise ValueError("You are trying to add two distributions with differing freq: {} and {}".format(self.freq, other.freq))
self.Ib = (self.Ib * self.Np + other.Ib * other.Np) / (self.Np + other.Np)
def remove(self, i=None):
Removes all particles from the distribution, or the line specified by i
import numpy
self._data = numpy.delete(self._data, numpy.s_[:], 0)
self.Np = 0
self._data = numpy.delete(self._data, i, 0)
self.Np -= 1
i16 = numpy.int16
i32 = numpy.int32
f64 = numpy.float64
Header_type = numpy.dtype([("dummy12", i16), ("Np", i32), ("Ib", f64), ("freq", f64), ("dummy3", i8)])
Header = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=Header_type, count=1)
self.Np = Header["Np"][0]
self.Ib = Header["Ib"][0]
self.freq = Header["freq"][0]
# Some toutatis distributions has an undocumented 7th line of 0's
Table = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=numpy.float64, count=self.Np * 7 + 1)
if len(Table) == self.Np * 7 + 1:
elif len(Table) == self.Np * 6 + 1: # this is true in most cases
raise ValueError("Incorrect table dimensions found:", len(Table))
self._data[:, 0] *= 1e-2
self._data[:, 2] *= 1e-2
return self._columns[:] + self._indirect_columns[:]
# makes the class function as a dictionary
# e.g. dst['x'] returns the x array..
if key == "r":
return numpy.sqrt(self["x"] ** 2 + self["y"] ** 2)
elif key == "rp":
return numpy.sqrt(self["xp"] ** 2 + self["yp"] ** 2)
i = self._columns.index(key)
return self._data[:, i]
except ValueError:
raise KeyError(f"Unknown key '{key}', available keys: {self.keys()}")
i = self._columns.index(key)
self._data[:, i] = value
except ValueError:
raise KeyError(f"Unknown key '{key}', available keys: {self.keys()}")
def save(self, filename, toutatis=False):
Save the distribution file
so it can be read by TraceWin again
:param filename: Name of file
:param toutatis: Include 7th column of zeros
fout = open(filename, "wb")
fout.write(pack("b", 125))
fout.write(pack("b", 100))
fout.write(pack("i", self.Np))
fout.write(pack("d", self.Ib))
fout.write(pack("d", self.freq))
fout.write(pack("b", 125))
if toutatis and data.shape[1] == 6:
data = numpy.append(data, numpy.zeros((len(data), 1)), 1)
elif not toutatis and data.shape[1] == 7:
data = data[:, :-1]
fout.write(pack("{}d".format(len(data)), *data))
def subplot(self, index, x, y=None, nb=100, mask=None, xlim=None, ylim=None):
Create a subplot histogram similar to TraceWin.
import numpy as np
from ess import TraceWin
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
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