TraceWin distribution file
Class afterwards hold the following
dictionary items:
- x [m]
- xp [rad]
- y [m]
- yp [rad]
- phi [rad]
- E [MeV] (kinetic energy)
def __init__(self, filename=None, freq=352.21, mass=938.272, Ib=0.0):
self._columns = ["x", "xp", "y", "yp", "phi", "E"]
if filename:
# read in the file..
import numpy
def append(self, x=0.0, xp=0.0, y=0.0, yp=0.0, E=0.0, phi=0.0):
Append one particle to the distribution
- Kinetic Energy in MeV
- x,y in m
- xp,yp in rad
- phi in rad
import numpy
self._data = numpy.append(self._data, [[x, xp, y, yp, phi, E]], 0)
self.Np += 1
Append a matrix of particle vectors.
Matrix on form 6xN, where N is number of particles.
Each row should hold [x,xp,y,yp,phi,E]
Units m,rad, MeV
import numpy
self._data = numpy.append(self._data, array, 0)
self.Np += len(array)
def combine_dst(self, other):
Appends the particles from another dst object to this one
if abs(self.mass - other.mass) > 1e-5:
raise ValueError("Adding two distributions with differing mass: {} and {}".format(self.mass, other.mass))
if abs(self.freq - other.freq) > 1e-5:
raise ValueError("You are trying to add two distributions with differing freq: {} and {}".format(self.freq, other.freq))
self.Ib = (self.Ib * self.Np + other.Ib * other.Np) / (self.Np + other.Np)
def remove(self, i=None):
Removes all particles from the distribution, or the line specified by i
import numpy
self._data = numpy.delete(self._data, numpy.s_[:], 0)
self.Np = 0
self._data = numpy.delete(self._data, i, 0)
self.Np -= 1
i16 = numpy.int16
i32 = numpy.int32
f64 = numpy.float64
Header_type = numpy.dtype([("dummy12", i16), ("Np", i32), ("Ib", f64), ("freq", f64), ("dummy3", i8)])
Header = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=Header_type, count=1)
self.Np = Header["Np"][0]
self.Ib = Header["Ib"][0]
self.freq = Header["freq"][0]
# Some toutatis distributions has an undocumented 7th line of 0's
Table = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=numpy.float64, count=self.Np * 7 + 1)
if len(Table) == self.Np * 7 + 1:
elif len(Table) == self.Np * 6 + 1: # this is true in most cases
raise ValueError("Incorrect table dimensions found:", len(Table))
self._data[:, 0] *= 1e-2
self._data[:, 2] *= 1e-2
# makes the class function as a dictionary
# e.g. dst['x'] returns the x array..
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("Available keys: " + str(self._columns))
i = self._columns.index(key)
self._data[:, i] = value
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("Available keys: " + str(self._columns))
def save(self, filename, toutatis=False):
Save the distribution file
so it can be read by TraceWin again
:param filename: Name of file
:param toutatis: Include 7th column of zeros
fout = open(filename, "wb")
fout.write(pack("b", 125))
fout.write(pack("b", 100))
fout.write(pack("i", self.Np))
fout.write(pack("d", self.Ib))
fout.write(pack("d", self.freq))
fout.write(pack("b", 125))
if toutatis and data.shape[1] == 6:
data = numpy.append(data, numpy.zeros((len(data), 1)), 1)
elif not toutatis and data.shape[1] == 7:
data = data[:, :-1]
fout.write(pack("{}d".format(len(data)), *data))
def subplot(self, index, x, y=None, nb=100, mask=None):
Create a subplot histogram similar to TraceWin.
import numpy as np
from ess import TraceWin
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
units = {
"x": "mm",
"y": "mm",
"xp": "mrad",
"yp": "mrad",
"E": "MeV",
"phi": "deg",
dy = dy[mask]
if x in ["x", "y", "xp", "yp"]:
dx *= 1e3
if y in ["x", "y", "xp", "yp"]:
dy *= 1e3
if x in ["phi"]:
dx -= np.average(dx)
dx *= 180 / np.pi
if y in ["phi"]:
dy -= np.average(dy)
dy *= 180 / np.pi
if x in ["E"] and max(dx) < 0.1:
dx *= 1e3
units["E"] = "keV"
if y in ["E"] and max(dy) < 0.1:
dy *= 1e3
units["E"] = "keV"
plt.hist2d(dx, dy, bins=nb, norm=LogNorm())
plt.title("{} [{}] - {} [{}]".format(x, units[x], y, units[y]))
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(dx, bins=nb)
b = bin_edges[:-1] + 0.5 * (bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0])
hist * 0.2 * (max(dy) - min(dy)) / max(hist) + min(dy),
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(dy, bins=nb)
b = bin_edges[:-1] + 0.0 * (bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0])
hist * 0.2 * (max(dx) - min(dx)) / max(hist) + min(dx),
# plot a simple 1D histogram..
plt.hist(dx, bins=nb)
plt.title("{} [{}]".format(x, units[x]))
Simple class to read in a
TraceWin plot file
Class afterwards hold the following
dictionary items:
- Ne (number of locations)
- Np (number of particles)
- Ib [A] (beam current)
- freq [MHz]
each plt[i], where i is element number, holds:
- Zgen [cm] (location)
- phase0 [deg] (ref phase)
- wgen [MeV] (ref energy)
- yp [array, rad]
- phi [array, rad]
- E [array, MeV]
- l [array] (is lost)
for i in [97,98]:
if data:
self._columns = ["x", "xp", "y", "yp", "phi", "E", "l"]
# read in the file..
def _readBinaryFile(self):
# Thanks Emma!
import numpy
Header_type = numpy.dtype(
("dummy12", numpy.int16),
("Ne", numpy.int32),
("Np", numpy.int32),
("Ib", numpy.float64),
("freq", numpy.float64),
("mc2", numpy.float64),
# shortnaming
i8 = numpy.int8
i32 = numpy.int32
f64 = numpy.float64
SubHeader_type = numpy.dtype([("dummy12", i8), ("Nelp", i32), ("Zgen", f64), ("phase0", f64), ("wgen", f64)])
Header = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=Header_type, count=1)
self.Np = Header["Np"][0]
self.Ne = Header["Ne"][0]
self.Ib = Header["Ib"][0]
self.freq = Header["freq"][0]
self.mc2 = Header["mc2"][0]
self._data = []
self.Nelp = []
i = 0
while i < self.Ne:
SubHeader = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=SubHeader_type, count=1)
# unfinished files need this fix (simulation still running)
Table = numpy.fromfile(fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=self.Np * 7)
Table = Table.reshape(self.Np, 7)
data = {}
for key in ["Zgen", "phase0", "wgen"]:
data[key] = SubHeader[key][0]
for j in range(7):
c = self._columns[j]
data[c] = Table[:, j]
# convert x,y from cm to m
if c in ["x", "y"]:
data[c] *= 1e-2
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key in self.Nelp:
for key in self._data[i]:
if isinstance(self._data[i][key], numpy.ndarray):
Generates self.s which holds
the position of each element
in metres
self.s.append(self[i]["Zgen"] / 100.0)
self.s = numpy.array(self.s)
Calculates averages of 6D coordinates at each
element, such that e.g.
self.avg["x"] gives average X at each location.
self.avg = dict(x=[], xp=[], y=[], yp=[], E=[], phi=[])
for v in vals:
at each position, based on
for i, j in zip(self.Nelp, range(len(self.Nelp))):
Eavg = self.avg["E"][j]
self.beta.append(numpy.sqrt(1.0 - 1.0 / self.gamma[-1] ** 2))
self.gamma = numpy.array(self.gamma)
self.beta = numpy.array(self.beta)
Calculates min/max values of beam coordinates
in percentile, pmin is lower and pmax upper.
Units: cm
self.min = dict(x=[], xp=[], y=[], yp=[], E=[])
self.max = dict(x=[], xp=[], y=[], yp=[], E=[])
self.min[v].append(numpy.percentile(data[v], pmin))
self.max[v].append(numpy.percentile(data[v], pmax))
self.min[v] = numpy.array(self.min[v])
self.max[v] = numpy.array(self.max[v])
Calculates the sigma matrix
Creates self.sigma such that self.sigma[i,j]
returns the sigma matrix for value i,j.
The numbering is:
0: x
1: xp
2: y
3: yp
4: E
5: phi
for j in range(len(self.Nelp)):
self.sigma.append([[numpy.mean((data[n] - self.avg[n][j]) * (data[m] - self.avg[m][j])) for n in vals] for m in vals])
Yngve Levinsen
self.sigma = numpy.array(self.sigma).transpose()
for j in range(len(vals)):
Yngve Levinsen
self.std[v] = numpy.sqrt(self.sigma[j, j])
Calculates emittance, beta, alfa, gamma
for each plane, x-xp, y-yp, and E-phi
for j in range(len(self.Nelp)):
Yngve Levinsen
self.twiss_eps.append([numpy.sqrt(numpy.linalg.det(self.sigma[i : i + 2, i : i + 2, j])) for i in (0, 2, 4)])
self.twiss_eps = numpy.array(self.twiss_eps).transpose()
# Calculate normalized emittance:
# TODO: this is NOT correct normalization for longitudinal
for i in range(3):
Yngve Levinsen
self.twiss_eps_normed[i] *= self.gamma * self.beta
# Calculate beta:
# This is a factor 10 different from what TraceWin plots
Yngve Levinsen
self.twiss_beta = [[self.sigma[i, i, j] / self.twiss_eps[i // 2, j] for i in (0, 2, 4)] for j in range(len(self.Nelp))]
self.twiss_beta = numpy.array(self.twiss_beta).transpose()
Yngve Levinsen
self.twiss_alpha = [[-self.sigma[i, i + 1, j] / self.twiss_eps[i // 2, j] for i in (0, 2, 4)] for j in range(len(self.Nelp))]
self.twiss_alpha = numpy.array(self.twiss_alpha).transpose()
Returns the dst corresponding to the given index
dset = self[index]
_dst = dst()
_dst.freq = self.freq
_dst.Ib = self.Ib * 1000
_dst._data = numpy.array([dset["x"], dset["xp"], dset["y"], dset["yp"], dset["phi"], dset["E"]]).transpose()
Saves the dst at the specified index to file
Returns the same dst object.
Simple class to read a TraceWin density file
into a pythonized object
Class afterwards hold the same items as
found in the TraceWin documentation:
z, nelp, ib, Np, Xouv, Youv, dXouv, ..
def __init__(self, filename, envelope=None):
if filename.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] == "Density_Env":
# first we simply count how many elements we have:
self.Xouv = numpy.zeros(counter)
self.Youv = numpy.zeros(counter)
if self.version >= 9:
self.dXouv = numpy.zeros(counter)
self.dYouv = numpy.zeros(counter)
self.moy = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
self.moy2 = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
self._max = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
self._min = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
if self.version >= 11:
self.phaseF = numpy.zeros((counter))
self.phaseG = numpy.zeros((counter))
if self.version >= 10:
self.maxR = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
self.minR = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
if self.version >= 5:
self.rms_size = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
self.rms_size2 = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
if self.version >= 6:
self.min_pos_moy = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
self.max_pos_moy = numpy.zeros((counter, 7))
if self.version >= 7:
self.rms_emit = numpy.zeros((counter, 3))
self.rms_emit2 = numpy.zeros((counter, 3))
if self.version >= 8:
self.energy_accept = numpy.zeros(counter)
self.phase_ouv_pos = numpy.zeros(counter)
self.phase_ouv_neg = numpy.zeros(counter)
self.lost = numpy.zeros((counter, self.Nrun))
self.powlost = numpy.zeros((counter, self.Nrun))
self.lost2 = numpy.zeros(counter)
self.Minlost = numpy.zeros(counter)
self.Maxlost = numpy.zeros(counter)
self.powlost2 = numpy.zeros(counter)
self.Minpowlost = numpy.zeros(counter)
self.Maxpowlost = numpy.zeros(counter)
self.i += 1
if sys.flags.debug and self.i % 100 == 0:
def _getHeader(self):
import numpy
# header..
version = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0]
year = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0]
# in case we did not read all data, this will detect our mistake:
shift = 0
while year != 2011 or version not in [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]:
shift += 1
version = year
year = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0]
raise ValueError(f"ERROR, shifted {shift + 2} bytes")
self.vlong = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=1)[0]
self.Nrun = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0]
def _skipAndCount(self):
import numpy
if self.version == 8:
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=292 // 2)
elif self.version == 9:
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=300 // 2)
elif self.version == 10:
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=356 // 2)
elif self.version == 11:
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=364 // 2)
raise TypeError(f"It is not possible to read {self.filename}")
elif self.Nrun > 1:
# WARN not 100% sure if this is correct..
if self.version <= 9:
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=((5588 + self.Nrun * 12) // 2))
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=((20796 + self.Nrun * 12) // 2))
raise TypeError(f"It is not possible to read {self.filename}")
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=8344 // 2)
elif self.version == 9:
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=12352 // 2)
elif self.version == 10:
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=12408 // 2)
elif self.version == 11:
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=12416 // 2)
raise TypeError(f"It is not possible to read {self.filename}")
def _get_7dim_array(array):
return dict(
def _getFullContent(self):
import numpy
# (though only if we are SURE about content!)
ver, year, vlong = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int16, count=3)
if year != self.year:
raise ValueError(f"year doesn't match {self.year} vs {year} in {self.filename}")
if ver != self.version:
raise ValueError(f"version doesn't match {self.version} vs {ver} in {self.filename}")
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0]
self.nelp[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0]
self.ib[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
self.z[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
self.Xouv[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
self.Youv[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
step = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int32, count=1)[0]
n = 7 # x [m], y[m], Phase [deg], Energy [MeV], R[m], Z[m], dp/p
self.moy[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]
self.moy2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]
self._max[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]
self._min[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]
if self.version >= 11:
self.phaseF[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
self.phaseG[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
self.maxR[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]
self.minR[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)[:]
self.rms_size[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
self.rms_size2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
self.min_pos_moy[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
self.max_pos_moy[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=n)
self.rms_emit[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=3)[:]
self.rms_emit2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=3)[:]
self.energy_accept[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)
self.phase_ouv_pos[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)
self.phase_ouv_neg[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)
self.Np[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
for i in range(self.Nrun):
self.lost[self.i, i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
self.powlost[self.i, i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
self.lost2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
self.Minlost[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
self.Maxlost[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.int64, count=1)[0]
self.powlost2[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float64, count=1)[0]
self.Minpowlost[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
self.Maxpowlost[self.i] = numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.uint64, count=n * step)
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.uint32, count=n * step)
numpy.fromfile(self.fin, dtype=numpy.uint32, count=3 * step)
returns the average of the parameter
weighted by how many Nruns in self and other object
This allows for different lengths of the two arrays..
mine = getattr(self, param)
new = getattr(other, param)
if len(mine) > len(new):
ret[: len(new)] = (mine[: len(new)] * self.Nrun + new * other.Nrun) / (self.Nrun + other.Nrun)
ret[: len(mine)] = (mine * self.Nrun + new[: len(mine)] * other.Nrun) / (self.Nrun + other.Nrun)
ret = (mine * self.Nrun + new * other.Nrun) / (self.Nrun + other.Nrun)
returns the sum of the parameter
This allows for different lengths of the two arrays..
mine = getattr(self, param)
new = getattr(other, param)
if len(mine) > len(new):
returns the concatenation of the two matrices
This allows for different lengths of the two arrays/matrices..
mine = getattr(self, param)
new = getattr(other, param)
ret = numpy.zeros((max([len(mine), len(new)]), len(mine[0]) + len(new[0])))
ret[: len(mine), : len(mine[0])] = mine
ret[: len(new), len(mine[0]) :] = new
returns the function applied on the parameter
This allows for different lengths of the two arrays..
mine = getattr(self, param)
new = getattr(other, param)
if len(mine) > len(new):
ret[: len(new)] = function(mine[: len(new)], new)
ret[: len(mine)] = function(mine, new[: len(mine)])
raise TypeError("You tried to merge a non-list")
# for now we only allow objects with same version..
for o in objects:
if self.version != o.version:
raise ValueError("Cannot merge files with differing version")
# merge info..
for o in objects:
raise ValueError("Sorry, not implemented yet. Complain to Yngve")
# this looks strange to me, but it is what TraceWin does..
self.moy = self._sum_merge(o, "moy")
self.moy2 = self._sum_merge(o, "moy")
self._max = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.maximum, "_max")
self._min = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.minimum, "_min")
# this looks strange to me, but it is what TraceWin does..
self.rms_size = self._sum_merge(o, "rms_size")
self.rms_size2 = self._sum_merge(o, "rms_size2")
self.max_pos_moy = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.maximum, "max_pos_moy")
self.min_pos_moy = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.minimum, "min_pos_moy")
# this looks strange to me, but it is what TraceWin does..
self.rms_emit = self._sum_merge(o, "rms_emit")
self.rms_emit2 = self._sum_merge(o, "rms_emit2")
# Warning: TraceWin does NOT merge these data in any way
self.energy_accept = self._avg_merge(o, "energy_accept")
self.phase_ouv_pos = self._avg_merge(o, "phase_ouv_pos")
self.phase_ouv_neg = self._avg_merge(o, "phase_ouv_neg")
# Note, we don't get into the problem of differing table sizes
# particles are lost, because we have written zeroes for
# the rest of the tables
self.lost = self._concatenate_merge(o, "lost")
self.powlost = self._concatenate_merge(o, "powlost")
self.lost2 = self._sum_merge(o, "lost2")
self.powlost2 = self._sum_merge(o, "powlost2")
self.Minlost = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.minimum, "Minlost")
self.Maxlost = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.maximum, "Maxlost")
self.Minpowlost = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.minimum, "Minpowlost")
self.Maxpowlost = self._fun_merge(o, numpy.maximum, "Maxpowlost")
# Note: We are ignoring tab/tabp data...
# merge final info (make sure to do this last!)
def savetohdf(self, filename="Density.h5", group="TraceWin", force=False):
if force:
del fout[group]
if sys.flags.debug:
print("Group {} already exist in {}".format(group, filename))
group = fout.create_group(group)
# header attributes..
group.attrs["version"] = self.version
group.attrs["year"] = self.year
group.attrs["Nrun"] = self.Nrun
group.attrs["vlong"] = self.vlong
arrays = ["z", "nelp", "ib", "Np", "Xouv", "Youv"]
array_units = ["m", "", "mA", "", "m", "m"]
arrays += ["energy_accept", "phase_ouv_pos", "phase_ouv_neg"]
array_units += ["eV", "deg", "deg"]