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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Mar 18, 2019
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Trigger AWX inventory update on database change · e000c2f0
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      A job running in AWX prevents an inventory sync (of the same
      inventory). This restricts AWX to run only one job at a time as
      the inventory is always updated on launch.
      To prevent this issue, the inventory is updated from AWX when needed.
      - The update is triggered on any model modification that is used in the
      inventory (AnsibleGroup, Cname, Domain, Host, Network, NetworkScope)
      - For Interface, the inventory sync is triggered by the
      trigger_core_services function as it depends on it
      - The inventory update job is put on the "high" queue so that it takes
      precedence over all other jobs.
      JIRA INFRA-887 #action In Progress
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Use queues of different priorities · f30a711b
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      Ensure that the trigger_core_services_update job is always processed
      before the other jobs (low queue).
      JIRA INFRA-887
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Allow users to create VM/VIOC · 8f209774
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      - users with access to the network can create VIOC
      - VM can be created only in the ALLOWED_VM_CREATION_DOMAINS
      JIRA INFRA-775
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Fix link to AWX job id for workflow jobs · 0d0471b7
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      Add awx_resource field to the task table.
      The field is None for local tasks (like excel file creation).
      It's the awx resource used to launch the job otherwise.
      Currently job or workflow_job.
      JIRA INFRA-886 #action In Progress
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Add osversion field to CreateVMForm · dbe8ad11
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      - vm_osversion is passed as extra variables to the create_vm job
      - vm_cores/vm_memory/vm_disk_size are also passed as extra variables
      instead of saving them as host variables. Saving the variables in the
      host when submitting the form forces to update the inventory before to
      trigger the job to create the VM. This can be avoided using extra
      variables. Furthermore those variables don't need to be in the
      inventory, they can be retrieved as facts.
      JIRA INFRA-877
  2. Mar 07, 2019
  3. Mar 06, 2019
  4. Mar 05, 2019
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Version 0.18.0 · 9d2bdae1
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Allow to launch a workflow job · 7cdc15f4
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      New resource argument can be passed to launch_job_template.
      It is optional and is set to "job" by default.
      Shall be set to "workflow_job" to run a workflow template.
      Note that passing the workflow name didn't work during my test.
      The id had to be used instead.
      JIRA INFRA-867 #action In Progress
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Update VIOC core choices · cc6cf0c9
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Remove tags and add is_ioc field to host table · f331b452
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      Tags were basically only used for IOCs.
      Tags were linked to the interface (and not the host).
      But for IOC we assume it should always be the main (first) interface.
      Using a field on the host table will make it more obvious for users.
      Created a IOC dynamic group type, to create a group including all IOCs
      JIRA INFRA-862 #action In Progress
  5. Feb 28, 2019
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Add view network page · 862e5f8d
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      JIRA INFRA-860 #action In Progress
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Clean networks view · e7c1bf6e
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      No need to use ajax to retrieve the content of simple tables.
      For Ansible groups, it takes some time to retrieve the data due to the
      list of hosts for each group to compute. We keep the ajax request so
      that the page is displayed quickly. We might switch to server side
      processing (like for hosts).
      JIRA INFRA-860
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Add gateway field to network table · 780a8c1c
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      Allow to specify the gateway for each network
      JIRA INFRA-809
  6. Feb 07, 2019
  7. Feb 04, 2019
  8. Jan 29, 2019
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Catch exception raised by Unique Validator · ce54e287
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      The MAC field has both a Regexp and Unique validators.
      In wtforms, the validation doesn't stop on the first error (all
      validators are run).
      In case of invalid mac address, the Unique validator makes a request to
      the database that raises a DataError. This exception has to be catched.
      JIRA INFRA-777 #action In Progress
  9. Jan 28, 2019
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Version 0.17.0 · c996f74d
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Add post install job after VM creation · 4d2dcf3b
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      After a VM or VIOC creation, a post install job can be triggered.
      The job to trigger is based on the domain and defined in the
      AWX_POST_INSTALL dictionary.
      Admin users have the option to skip this post job if required.
      The job is enqueued in RQ with a dependency on the creation job.
      So it's only triggered after successful completion of the first one.
      JIRA INFRA-769
  10. Jan 25, 2019
  11. Jan 23, 2019
  12. Jan 19, 2019
  13. Dec 18, 2018
  14. Dec 10, 2018
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Version 0.15.1 · 471cdfc1
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Fix extra interface creation · 1f85ed9f
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      Not sure why a tuple instead of network was returned...
      There must have been a comma at the end of the line due to copy/pasting
      and black converted that to a tuple.
      Added a test for the create_interface function.
      JIRA INFRA-697 #action In Progress
  15. Nov 30, 2018
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Update Version 0.15.0 changelog · 537991a2
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Dash changed to underscore in flask commands · f9fe5937
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      Linked to click update to 7.x
      Subcommands that are named by the function now automatically have the
      underscore replaced with a dash. If you register a function named
      my_command it becomes my-command in the command line interface.
      JIRA INFRA-687
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Version 0.15.0 · c054d1b7
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Fix test_create_host failure · 97844eba
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      - create_host doesn't return 403 for user_lab but 200 because the form
        validation fails (the network_id is not part of the form choices)
      - caching disabled during tests
        the current_user could sometimes return a different username because of
        caching: the database is cleaned between each test, so different users
        can have the same id and an old user could be returned instead of the new
        one due to caching
      JIRA INFRA-578