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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Mar 18, 2019
  2. Mar 05, 2019
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Remove tags and add is_ioc field to host table · f331b452
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      Tags were basically only used for IOCs.
      Tags were linked to the interface (and not the host).
      But for IOC we assume it should always be the main (first) interface.
      Using a field on the host table will make it more obvious for users.
      Created a IOC dynamic group type, to create a group including all IOCs
      JIRA INFRA-862 #action In Progress
  3. Feb 28, 2019
  4. Feb 04, 2019
  5. Jan 25, 2019
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Fix case insensitive search · 67b2f815
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      Search on keyword can be made case insensitive by using a normalizer.
      But some fields with type keyword include several words.
      They are only returned by entering all words. This is not what
      most users expect.
      It's better to use the "text" type by default (for text fields) and add
      an extra "keyword" field of type "keyword" for sorting.
      JIRA INFRA-770
  6. Dec 18, 2018
  7. Nov 30, 2018
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Add extra fields to the API · e6494e47
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      - add fqdn to host
      - add gateway to network
      - add netmask to interface
      - allow to pass recursive via the API (to expand interfaces in host)
      - add is_main property to interface (True if the interface is the main
        interface of the host)
      JIRA INFRA-640
  8. Nov 29, 2018
  9. Nov 27, 2018
  10. Nov 06, 2018
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Make host/interface/cname unique · fc7ac34a
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      - Host names are unique (no 2 hosts with same name)
      - A host name shall not conflict with a cname or interface (if not main
      - Interface names are unique (no 2 interfaces with same name)
      - An interface shall not conflict with a cname or host (if not assigned
      - cnames are only unique by domain (2 cnames can have the same name if
      different domains)
      - A cname shall not conflict with a host or interface
      - An interface has to be linked to a host
      Validation is implemented at the model level.
      Some is also implemented at the form level as it gives nicer feedback,
      but not all as it's a bit more complex when it requires check on several fields.
      JIRA INFRA-245
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Make mac addresses unique by interface · 16ac3272
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      - mac is now a column in the interface table (no link to the mac table)
      - mac column is unique (can't have 2 interfaces with the same mac)
      - the mac table is kept for the items
      JIRA INFRA-639
  11. Oct 18, 2018
  12. Oct 15, 2018
  13. Oct 11, 2018
  14. Oct 05, 2018
  15. Sep 28, 2018
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Do not take into account old deferred tasks · 2ed77eb2
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      A deferred task will remain deferred forever if the task it depends on
      fails. When checking for waiting tasks, we should ignore deferred tasks
      that are too old.
      "Too old" is currently set to 30 minutes. We shouldn't have tasks that
      take that long. We might want to shorten that even a bit (to not block
      new identical tasks to be run) but if a task failed there is probably
      something to be done.
      JIRA INFRA-559 #action In Progress
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Add button to delete hosts · f3206d0a
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      - set cascade to all and delete-orphan to delete interfaces when
        deleting a host
      - button added on the view host page to delete host (admin only)
      JIRA INFRA-557 #action In Progress
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Add button to export items to excel file · 8471ec5b
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      Retrieving all items from the database takes some time.
      The task is thus handled by the RQ worker.
      We use ajax to periodically monitor the status of the job
      and redirect to the file when ready.
      A progress bar is displayed to let the user see the progress.
      The mechanism put in place could be re-used for other use cases.
      JIRA INFRA-545 #action In Progress
  16. Sep 13, 2018
  17. Aug 21, 2018
  18. Aug 08, 2018
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Replace jwt decorators with flask-login · fb3f568e
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      Using flask-login request_loader, we can validate jwt tokens.
      This allows to use the same decorators for the web UI (using cookies)
      and the API (using JWT) as well as the current_user local proxy.
  19. Jul 31, 2018
  20. Jul 27, 2018
  21. Jul 17, 2018
  22. Jul 13, 2018
  23. Jul 12, 2018
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Add ansible_group table · 5e76c0b1
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      - add ansible_groups_hosts_table for many-to-many relationship between
      groups and hosts
      - add new api endpoint /network/groups
      JIRA INFRA-412
  24. Jul 11, 2018
  25. Jul 09, 2018
    • Benjamin Bertrand's avatar
      Use sqlalchemy events hook to trigger tasks · d9516a98
      Benjamin Bertrand authored
      Use the before_flush hook to trigger the core services update.
      It's much nicer than having to call a method in several places.
      The core services update is triggered on creation/modification/deletion
      of an Interface.
      In the before_flush we can manipulate the session (add objects) but we
      shouldn't call commit.
      The db.session.commit() was removed from the launch_task method.
  26. Jul 06, 2018
  27. Jul 03, 2018
  28. Jul 02, 2018